“Don’t let him move that arm too much, and for the love of God, tell him, if he can walk, we’ll remove the catheter tomorrow.”

“Got it.” I nod. “Anything else?”

“Congratulations. He told me you married him tonight.”

My mom gasps behind me, and heat fills my cheeks. “It was more of an informal thing. We’re not legally married yet.”

“Tell him that. He’s pretty sure he needs to consummate the marriage.”

“Jesus,” my dad mutters, and I burn all over from embarrassment.

“The nurse has instructions on his diet for the next twenty-four hours, but fluids are good. Tests will start at seven am.”

“Thank you, Doctor.” Dave speaks up and shakes his hand.

We all walk back in, and I stay back when Sheila and Dave go straight to Bryce. He hugs them with his good arm, and then Nate joins them. Quinn links her arm through mine and lays her head on my shoulder.

“He pulled through,” she points out. “Knew he wouldn’t leave you.”

“Brilliant thinking on the doctor thing. I’ll remember that.”

“Knew it would work.”

“I love you, Quinnie.”

“I love you too, girl.”

We stand together, watching Bryce ask questions and listen to the answers intently. He looks at me with horror when his mom tells him the details of waking up and not recognizing me.

“Baby.” His voice is soft and full of hurt.

“I’m okay,” I reassure him.

“Come here.”

I detach from Quinn and go to his side. He slides over gently, so I can lay down. His lips brush against my cheek, and I melt into him.

“What’s the deal with the baby balloons?” He looks at the window ledge.

“Don’t’ knock it!” Quinn throws her hands out. “They were cute.”

“Really? It’s a boy? It’s a girl?” He raises an eyebrow at her.

“I was in a hurry.” She shrugs.

“Yet you had time to tell a man in a coma that his girl was being hit on by the doctor?”

“Yep! I’ll own that proudly.”

“Is it too late to kick her out of the wedding party?” he asks loudly.

“Listen here, buddy. You can still go on the loser list. Don’t mess with me.”

“Wouldn’t dream of it.” He holds me close and whispers, “Dean is a saint.”

I nod my agreement and bury my face into his neck, absorbing all that is him. People talk around me, but the stress of the last week takes over and I drift off to sleep on his shoulder. Tomorrow will be here soon enough, and hopefully, this nightmare will be over.

Chapter 36