“Do what?” His tongue sweeps along my jaw, causing me to shiver.

“You make jealousy look sexy. I’m pretty sure I make it look insane.”

“Actually, you make everything look sexy,” he hums against my skin.

“Stop! I’m serious.”

“I am too.”

“She over her snit?” Nate yells, interrupting us.

“Yep. We’ll be right in.” Bryce answers him then leans down and kisses my earlobe. “Change of plans. Tonight, we stay at my parents’ house. I need to show you how sexy you are.”

“I like that plan,” I agree and snuggle into his arms.

Maybe my jealousy isn’t such a bad thing after all.


Bryce and Nate get an email about an unexpected training exercise at sea for two weeks in January. This causes them to cut their holiday leave early by a day, which makes Bryce very unhappy. He also seems curious as to why I’m not more upset. I try to act like I’m torn up, but really, I’m excited about surprising him on New Year’s Eve.

The morning they leave, I don’t have to fake the few tears that fall, but that’s because I do hate it every time we say goodbye. Bryce promises to call when he can, but his schedule will be unknown until he gets to base and sees the list of things that need to be done before they leave. The fact that Liza may also be working long hours lingers in my head, but I don’t say anything. We haven’t spoken about her since Christmas Day.

Sheila asked me privately if she did something wrong that day on the phone, and I had to explain my issues with Liza. Instead of making me feel silly, Sheila and my mom understood the signals she seemed to be sending. After listening to their advice, I erased all insecurities about her out of my mind.

Once the guys are gone, my mom takes the opportunity to load me down with everything wedding. I ‘virtually’ meet my wedding planner in Florida, and we agree on a Plan A, if it’s perfect weather, and Plan B, if it rains. Then I pick the tuxes for the guys, and we finalize the guest list. My mom looks at me with a questioning glare when I add Liza’s name, but I explain it’s the right thing to do. Unfortunately, she’s a part of the crew in Norfolk. It would be immature and callous to leave her off and then have to face her the next few years.

My dad, on the other hand, avoids the wedding planning at all costs. The night before the Music City Bowl, after I get home from practice downtown, he insists on a night out, just the two of us. Mom doesn’t object, and I get the feeling she knows what he wants to talk about.

As we drive to the restaurant, he keeps the conversation casual, talking about the game. But after we’re seated and the waitress takes our orders, he turns serious.

“Dev, tell me about the internship you’re taking and how this will impact your future.”

“I’m actually going to miss the first two weeks because of the wedding and honeymoon, but Shana is cool with it. I’ll be working with every area of the news station, including a special emphasis on the production.

“I’m not sure of all the details yet, but we will miss school while in Brazil for the Olympics. From what I’ve been told, we’ll be given our assignments virtually.”

“Is this what you want?”

“Of course, Daddy. Why wouldn’t it be?”

His face strains as different emotions wash over him. He looks at me with concern, and my skin starts to prickle.

“I’m trying to understand this new age stuff. In my day, when you married someone, you moved in with them and started a life. You and Bryce are doing things completely different. I’m trying to wrap my head around it.”


“I guess, what I’m saying is, why the rush to get married if you still plan to live apart?”

His face is mixed with more concern and complete confusion. I take a deep breath and reach across the table to hold his hand. “I love him, Dad, and don’t want to wait.”

“Then why not go to him?”

“Because, as much as I love him, I want to follow my dreams, too.”

He nods, but the uncertainty is still there.

“Dad, Bryce wants me to do this. I know the Navy life may be hard, but he’s doing everything he can to give me what I want. If I even mentioned pulling back from the program and moving to Norfolk, he’d have a shit fit.”