This time, I don’t slink away when he reaches for me, tugging me into his chest. “Devon, I can’t understand why you see red when it comes to her. There’s nothing between us but a professional relationship. She most likely called everyone to wish them a Merry Christmas.”

“She’d like more from you, Bryce, and she’s doing everything she can to get it.”

“We’re peers. She’s been a friend of Tommy’s for a long time. She, Dani, Rick, and Tommy met after boot camp. She’s worked really hard to get where she is. To be honest, she’s excellent at her job, but she’s having a hard time getting respect from some of her team, so we try to support her as a group. That’s it.”

“It sounds like you’re defending her.”

“I’m not defending her. I’m defending me. You came out here with fire in your eyes, furious about something that meant nothing. So what if she went shopping with Mom and beat her in poker? Who the fuck cares?”

“I fucking care! She’s trying to take you away from me! Now she’s trying to be best friends with my future mother-in-law!” I screech and then realize I sound like a madwoman.

Bryce’s body goes solid, and he growls, “You’ve got to be kidding me.”

“No, I’m not kidding.”

“Are you seriously questioning my commitment to us because of a phone call from a co-worker?”

My earlier rage is replaced with embarrassment, and I hide my face in his shirt. “I don’t know why I care, but she gets to me. And hearing Sheila laugh with her and promise to let her know when she’ll be back in town set me over the edge.”

“Mom was probably being nice. I doubt she meant it.”

“Yes! She did. She even mentioned the diner and their pancakes and finding a dress for the wedding at this boutique.”

I look up in time to see him fighting a smile. He fails when his lips curl and his eyes start to shine. “Let me get this straight. Mom told her about finding a dress for our wedding at some boutique, and you still came out here mad as a wildcat? Don’t you

see the irony?”

“Don’t you dare laugh at me, Bryce!”

“Why not? It’s funny.”

“It is not!”

He cradles my face in his hands and rubs his nose against mine slowly. “What’s not funny is your constant jealousy of Liza. Tell me you know she means nothing to me.”

“This is it, Bryce. I’m serious. I’ve tried to tell myself she’s a co-worker, she’s a peer, and she’s a member of your Norfolk crew, but I’m drawing the line. I’m suspicious of her motives, and you need to respect that.” I emphasize the word.

“If something like this ever happens again, I expect you to tell me about it. In a way, you’re sending her mixed messages by letting her into your personal life. I don’t care who she’s hanging out with.”

The words leave my mouth, and I instantly wonder why the fuck Nicole would include her in a girl’s day after knowing how I feel about her. Dread and apprehension start to build in my gut.

“After today, there will be nothing to tell. I obviously haven’t paid close attention to the way she gets under your skin. For that, I apologize. Do you forgive me?”

I nod my acceptance and then remember the look of Sheila’s face.

“I owe your mom an explanation and an apology.”

“Pretty sure she understood your body language.”

I groan and move my head, banging it on his chest. “Not my shining moment.”

“Don’t be so tough on yourself. I have my own jealous streak. That’s why I’ve given Jeremy strict instructions to be by your side before, during, and after the bowl game. And if you go out, Dean knows to step in if anyone gets too close.”

Now, it’s my turn to giggle. “You’re absolutely ridiculous.”

“I’ll own that, but since I can’t be here, I’ll rely on them. And I know Dean has his hands full with Quinn, but he understands where I’m coming from, so he’s agreed.”

“How do you do that?”