“No, I was hoping my hot as shit, sexy as fuck, and unbelievably incredible fiancée would try to seduce me. Which is what happened. Now, all morning at breakfast and the hellacious ten hour drive home, I’ll have the image burned in my brain of you coming hard.”

“Me too,” I agree.

“We’ve got two hours before we need to get up. You think you can sleep?”

“Oh yeah.” I wiggle where we’re still connected and feel him jerk.

“Jesus Christ. Keep doing that and there’s not going to be any sleep.”

“Okay, I’ll be good. Can we stay like this?”

“Yeah.” He reaches down and covers us with the comforter, and my eyes grow heavy.

The last thing I hear is his whispered declaration, “I love you.”

A few hours later, there’s a crowd of us sitting at a local diner eating breakfast. It’s mostly guys, except for Nicole and her sister. Besides Rick and Tommy, there are three other men from Bryce and Nate’s ship.

I’m deep in a conversation with the girls, telling them about Quinn’s week with Dean’s family when Nicole sits up straight, looking over my shoulder. Her eyes grow wide and dart back to me. I turn to see Liza and Dani walking to our table. My stomach drops when I realize Liza’s gaze is focused directly on Bryce. No one else notices them until they stop at our table.

Dani bends to give me a one-armed hug and greets everyone else.

“Thought I’d find you guys here. Should I be insulted we weren’t invited?” Liza says to no one specific, but her eyes pass over me.

“Having a little breakfast before we hit the road,” Nate answers her.

“Actually, that’s why I’m here. I need to borrow Bryce for a minute.” She lays a hand on his shoulder, and I tense.

Why the hell is she touching him?

“Nope, not going to happen. I’m officially on leave. There is nothing I need to know for the next week. If it’s important, email me,” Bryce says, not acknowledging her hand still on his shoulder.

“Bryce, you’ll want to know before you leave town.”

He finally looks up at her with an irritated expression. “Shawn?”

She nods, and he throws his napkin on the table, standing. She follows him outside while the table goes back to talking. Dani pulls up a chair and starts playing with TJ. Nicole tries to engage me back into the conversation, but I lose interest, wishing I could see Bryce and Liza.

A few minutes later, they return, and Bryce gives me a small smile.

“Is he okay?” I whisper.

“Yes, I’ll go talk to him when we get back. He’s doing great. Sounds like he wants to give me his appreciation, which is totally unnecessary.”

“He wants to show you his gratitude. Let him do that.”

His kisses me briefly then goes back to eating. Liza doesn’t say anything but continues to stand behind me. I close my eyes and swallow hard then turn to her with a smile.

“Liza, I don’t know all the details, but Bryce shared with me what y’all did for Shawn. He’s lucky to have you on his side,” I say quiet enough for no one but her and Bryce to hear.

Her face twists, and she looks between me and the back of Bryce’s head. He doesn’t turn but places a hand on my thigh and squeezes, showing me support.


s what we do. We stick together, watch out for each other.”

“Yes, but it sounds like you went beyond the call of duty in breaking through to him. For that, surely, he’s grateful.”

“We’ll be there for the long haul. We all want to see him succeed and get back on his feet. He’s not alone.”