“I’d really like to have Christmas together with our families. Can you swing that?”

“If that’s what you want then absolutely. Mom will be thrilled.”

“Okay, I have three weeks off between semesters. Quinn is going to spend some time in Atlanta. I promised my mom we’d finish some wedding stuff, but otherwise, I can stay in Norfolk if you’d like.”

His face brightens at the news, and he kisses me softly. “I’d love that.”

“Really?!? It’s barely daylight, and you two are at it already. I’m declaring the kitchen a safe zone! No more!” Quinn mutters, grabbing a bottle of water and looking barely awake.

“No worries, Quinn. I’m taking her back to bed for at least three hours. Then I’ll drive you both to class. It’s fucking cold outside.”

“You’re on… but I’d like to go back to sleep. Think you can keep it down?”

“Not on your life,” he responds.

She gives me the evil eye, but I see right through her. She’s happy he’s here and things are fine.

Chapter 24

Quinn bitches constantly while refreshing her phone and iPad. I’m reminded of last year in the airport while we waited to fly our different ways for Christmas. Some things never change; she’s still neurotic about her grades.

We’re on the way to drop her at the airport, then I’m driving to Norfolk. She’s going to Atlanta for the week before Christmas, and she’s a nervous wreck. This will be the first time she meets Dean’s whole extended family. And to top it off, she’s scheduled for an interview with Bill for the internship position—which we all know she’ll get. Most of us were accepted back with our summer mentors. The interview is only a formality.

“I give up! I swear, they do this on purpose. What’s so hard about punching in a few grades and uploading?” She drops her phone in her purse and slams her head back in frustration.

“You know you aced every class and project. Why do you do this to yourself?”

“Because I’m an idiot. Aren’t you worried at all?”

“Hell yeah, pretty sure that Theories final dropped my grade. But what can I do?”

“Are you high? Look at me.”

I turn to her, and she inspects my face closely.

“Why would I be high?”

“Because you’re so calm… very Zen.”

“I guess I’m trying to keep you calm. This is a big trip for you.”

“Tell me about it. I need a distraction. Tell me your final schedule.”

She’s referring to my whirlwind travel for the next three weeks. I’ll be in Norfolk with the guys until we travel home together for Christmas. Ironically, Virginia was chosen for the Music City Bowl in Nashville, so I have to stay behind while they return. Due to flight schedules, Bryce thinks I’m flying back to him on New Year’s Day, but actually, I plan to surprise him on New Year’s Eve. It’s a top-secret plan. The only person besides Quinn who knows is my mom. I’ll tell Nate closer to time.

I go over the details with Quinn once more, confirming my final flight information.

“What exactly are you going to do this week while the guys work?”

“One day will be shopping with Nicole. Otherwise, I’ll probably be wrapping the gifts that have been shipped to their place. Tuesday afternoon, we have an appointment at Bryce’s bank to get my name on his account. Nate has a few gifts for me to pick up as well. I’m sure it’ll fly by.”

“Okay, so what’s the plan if you see Liza?”

“There is no plan. I’ll be cordial and friendly. No matter how much she gets under my skin, she’s still a member of their team. And Nate said she was a major part of helping with the Shawn situation. For that, I have respect for her.”

“You need me, you call. I don’t care if it’s day or night.”

I go on alert at the tone of her statement. “Is there something on your mind?”