What the hell? I twist and notice Bryce’s side of the bed is empty, but the buzzing is coming from that direction. The sound stops, but immediately starts again, and I wake up enough to know it’s the sound of his phone.

I search until I find it on the floor beside his pants from last night. Without looking, I swipe to answer.

“Hello?” I croak.

“Hello?” Liza’s voice wakes me up fully.


“Who’s this?”

“Devon.” Who does she think it is?

“I’m looking for Bryce.”

My alarm clock glows into the dark room, reading six-forty five. “Isn’t it a little early?” I ask annoyed.

“Not when we start work in half an hour. Now, can I talk to Bryce?”

“Currently, he’s unavailable.”

“Devon, we’ve got a lot of shit going on right now that you don’t know about. Can you get him for me?”

“Actually, I do know about it, and no, I can’t get him. But I can relay a message.”

She gets quiet, but her breathing picks up. “Actually, that’s fine. Tell him I have his watch from the other night, and I’ll bring it to work.” Her tone is condescending. I don’t let her know he’s not going to be at work today.

“I’ll relay the message.” I hang up without another word. Bitch.

I climb out of bed and throw on a sweatshirt then go searching for Bryce.

The smell of coffee hits me as soon as my door opens. I follow the aroma to the kitchen where Bryce is sitting with my computer at the table.

“Hey.” He motions for me to sit on his lap. “What are you doing up so early?”

“Liza called,” I tell him. “She said she has your watch from the other night and she’ll bring it to work.” Irritation drips from my words.

His face twists, and he looks at me with sympathy. “I’m sorry she woke you up. It’s a little early to call.”

“Early to call? She was happy to let me know you two have to be at work soon. Apparently, she doesn’t know you’re here.”

“Why the hell would she know I’m here? It’s none of her business where I am.”

“Maybe you should tell her that.” I take a deep breath, trying to calm my annoyance.

“Devon, we work together. That’s it. The other night, before we convinced Shawn to go to rehab, he went on a bender. We found him practically comatose in his place. We stayed until he sobered up. In the process of that, he threw up, mostly on me, several times. I handed her my watch when I was scared he would puke on it.”

Now I feel like an idiot. My anger dissolves instantly. Why do I continuously let her get to me, always thinking the worst? “I’m sorry,” I murmur, lowering my eyes.

He threads his fingers through my hair and pulls me to him, kissing me quickly. “She’s nothing to me. Strictly a peer.”

“I know, but it’s the way she portrays your relationship, like she’s goading me.” I think about telling him more about the conversation in my kitchen that morning but decide against it because he’s already said she means nothing to him.

He watches me a few more seconds before talking. “Want to go back to bed for a few hours before you have class?”

“Sure, but why are you up anyway?”

“I’m trying to figure out our holiday plans. I’ll have seven days off but not both Christmas and New Year’s. I assume you’ll be cheering in a bowl game, so I’m trying to see what is best for both of us.”