“No! Hell no! We’re getting married next summer. After I graduate. Can we do that?”

His face softens, and his eyes start to sparkle. “Yes, we can do that. Is that r

eally what you want?”

“Do YOU want to wait another twenty six months?”

“Fuck no, but I want you to have everything perfect.”

“Would you want to do a destination?”

“Maybe, where are you thinking?”

I think for a second and then snap my head up, disregarding the idea. “Never mind!”

His eyebrows scrunch in confusion.

“Can you imagine? If we invited our friends and family to a tropical destination for the wedding, they’d never leave. So, essentially, we’d be spending our honeymoon with them, too!”

“Good point. Quinn would probably get adjoining rooms to piss me off.”

“No doubt.”

“But, you know, we could do a destination closer to home and then take off on a tropical honeymoon.”

“You have anywhere in mind?”

His eyes search mine as his lips curl into a cocky grin. He cups my face in his hands, rubbing his thumbs across my cheekbones. “Destin.”

The idea bounces around in my mind. “Yes,” I breathe out. “It’ll be perfect.

“Next summer, you’ll be my wife.” His lips and tongue run lightly across my own.

“Yes, I will.”

“Hello! Earth to Devon. Are you still there?” Quinn’s annoyed voice interrupts my thoughts.

“Yes, sorry.” I fill her in on the conversation with Bryce.

“I’m sorry, Devon. Aspen would have been magical.”

This is her best friend way of saying she’s sorry about Aspen, but she’s so, so sorry about Bryce’s deployment.

“I know, but we’ll make Destin magical, too. It holds really good memories.”

“We have a destination and a month. What’s next?”

“I’ll talk to Mom tonight, and then, we’ll get started with the location and set a date.”

She agrees and tells me about a few places she finds online. Our conversation turns to fashion and the wedding attire when she screams so loud my eardrum starts ringing.

“What the hell?!?” I scream back, “Quinn, you’re scaring me. What’s happening? Should I hang up and call the police?”

“Oh my God, Devon, we did it! We all did it! We’re going National!”

“What are you talking about? You have to calm down.”

“Professor Grant sent an email. Each of the teams from Brazil was picked up by their Journalism advisor’s stations for an exclusive spot.”