He smirks and shakes his head. “You have no idea how much I miss you.”

“I’m pretty sure I’m in the same boat. But we only have one week to wait.”

“Did I tell you I’m on the field for the football game?”

“How’d you do that?”

“Have my ways.” He shrugs with a smug grin.

“Are you still jealous of my cheer partner?”

“The way I figure it, we need to meet.”

“Please don’t scare the poor boy away. He’s sweet.”

“No room for misunderstanding if he meets me then.”

“Ugh. You are insane.”

“We’ve had this conversation. Insane about you.”

There’s a loud banging behind him, and a door swings open. Nate walks up and puts his face on the screen.

“Hey, sis.”


“How ya doing?”

“Let’s see. Since we actually spoke last, my Theories class has the potential to kick my ass, Quinn’s current academic mission is to push the envelope as far as she can, and Bryce is still insanely jealous. What’s up with you?”

Bryce sighs loudly when Nate takes over the conversation. We chat for a few minutes about his plans while he’s at home for leave. Nothing he’s telling me is really important, but it’s obvious he’s trying to aggravate Bryce. Quinn hears us and busts through my door to join in.

“What the hell is happening?” Bryce finally blows up. “I haven’t seen my fiancée in eleven weeks. How did this turn into a fucking group convo?”

“I see you’re still as pussy-whipped as ever,” Quinn goads him.

The scowl on his face sends me into a fit of giggles. She joins in until his expression changes. “You wait, Quinn. Remember, I’ll be there for five nights next week. Payback is hell.”

“If you even think you’re going to spout all that love sick, ooey-gooey shit around here the entire time, I will throw up on you. I’ll give you a day, two tops, but then you better act like a civilized man as compared to a love-struck boy.”

“Shut it! I really don’t need visuals.” My brother’s mood changes instantly. “You all forget, this is still my little sister.”

The banter continues until the guys have to hang up. I discreetly blow Bryce a kiss, and he winks, mouthing, ‘I love you’.

My stomach flutters with excitement for the rest of the night. It’s almost time for me to start counting the hours.


No way, I think as I read through my email again. Is this for real???

Professor Grant sent me an email, informing me that the University Newspaper has chosen one of my papers for an October publication. They’re requesting a sit-down meeting with my whole team to ask some specific questions that will be used to complement my work. They’ve also asked me to provide at least five additional pictures. I squeal and grab my phone to send a group text to my family and Bryce.

Me: October - The University paper will feature moi’. Can you believe it? I’ll send more information when I can!!!

The messages come back instantly.

Mom: Bring everything to Rhode Island with you tomorrow night. I want to see it all!