“And you are the best daughter. I have one more piece of advice. I’d advise against telling Bryce most of your conversation. That boy’s already a bit high strung when it comes to you. He wants to hand you the world, and he’s questioning his own choices. It’s your job to be strong and encouraging. When he was trying to get assigned to the base on Norfolk, Nate said he was freaked out. Sheila says she was scared for his sanity.”

I giggle and lean back, releasing her. “He’s sort of intense.”

“Sort of? Pretty sure that’s the only reason your dad gave him permission, or his blessing, to propose. We’re both certain that man will worship you forever.”

“Think Daddy will freak out if we get married before I go into the Master’s program?”

“Why do you think I went ahead and got these?”

She reaches down the opposite side of my bed and lifts a stack of bridal magazines. I squeal and reach for them.

Oh, yeah, this is going to be fun.



Welcome home! I must tell you once again that it was an absolute pleasure to lead this group to South America. There is no doubt that I grew as a person and professional from this experience.

It has come to my attention that NBC, the official news network for the 2016 Summer Olympics, will begin coverage this Thursday. They will launch an entire series, spotlighting almost every element of these games. From the construction of the venues, the determination of the athletes, and the economic impact. They will essentially be covering everything we spent the last six weeks researching.

Unfortunately, this affects us tremendously. I’ve spoken to all senior members involved with the Summer Expo, and we must make some changes to your assignments. We are asking that you complete an outline and diagram for your final two papers by NEXT FRIDAY.

We understand and sympathize that this timeline is extremely aggressive and cuts down two weeks of your original final assignment, but we feel we can safely protect the integrity of the work if not touched by outside influences. No one is insinuating that you would rely on news to complete your work, but this allows us the opportunity to send them to our sponsors, partners, and local affiliates to get the attention and appreciation you deserve. There will always be room for changes, but this will be your foundation.

It was already discussed that we would run stories each week in the campus paper, but this is more for the benefit of the larger sources. If you have any trouble, please contact me or your team leaders. We are all here and willing to help.

Also, we encourage you to work in tandem with your team and peers. This is the part of the program that speaks to your creativity and voice.

Once again, I am available if you have questions.


Professor Henry Grant

Holy Shit! Holy Shit! Holy Shit! I re-read the email again and pick up my phone as it rings in my hand.

“There really is only one solution to this. We work together,” Quinn states matter-of-factly.

“I agree. You coming here?”

“Yes, you have the photo software. I’ll fill in my parents and be there soon.”

“See you then.” I hang up and grab my camera, hooking it up to my computer. My phone rings again with an out of area number.


“Jesus, I missed hearing you.” Bryce’s hoarse voice flows through the line.

“Bryce! Where have you been?”

“We’ve been in lockdown. Didn’t you get my text?”

“THREE DAYS AGO!” I screech.

“Has it been three days? Shit.” He sounds exhausted.

“I’m sorry. That was uncalled for. I was worried.”