“What’s wrong?” I practically whisper.


“You’re lying.”

“I promised no more mushy shit, so my lips are sealed.”

“Is what you’re thinking going to make me cry?”

“Who knows? You cry a lot recently.”

“Bryce!” I playfully slap his hard chest and watch the amusement spread across his face.

He turns us slightly and then inches up the bed with his back to the headboard. I have no choice but to straddle his lap and sit face to face. Both of his hands move to mine, linking our fingers. I fall slightly and brace on his chest.

“I hate doing this, but it’s the last night we will have privacy for a very long time.” His amusement is replaced with seriousness.

“Do what?”

“I need to make sure you understand some things. I moved at lightning speed and wouldn’t change a thing. Even though Steve gave me his blessing to propose, he also made me promise to have a conversation with you.”

I suck in a breath, knowing my dad is somehow involved.

“Listen to me, babe. Really listen. I need to prepare you.”

My pulse starts racing.

“This is not the only birthday I’m going to miss, nor is it the only celebration I’ll be absent. Being in the Navy comes with certain responsibilities. I can pray every day that I’ll be there for our anniversaries, the birth of our children, and every other celebration in our lives, but I can’t promise it. Even now, thinking I may miss your graduation next year, kills me.

“Further into our lives, my career is going to dictate a lot. We’re going to get transferred to places out of my control. That?

?s going to affect your own job as well as our children’s lives.”


He continues and talks over me.

“If we ever have another wartime situation while I’m enlisted, there’s no telling where I’ll be, so it’s really important to me that you understand and know what you’re getting into. I have a duty to serve my country, and I take that seriously, but if it ever gets too much for you, promise to talk to me. I can’t lose you. There’s nothing I can do short term, but long term—”

“Shut it!” I lift one of our linked hands to his lips and pinch. “I’ve been in love with you since I was twelve years old. You want to know why I never dated anyone seriously in high school or college? Because I compared everyone to you. No one stood a chance.

“Yeah, we have the loser list. It was my way of trying to move on. But what no one knows, not even Quinn, is that I’ve researched, studied, and memorized the life of a navy wife. Even when I thought I couldn’t have you. Let’s not forget, I’ll miss your birthday, too, while you’re away. When you’re deployed, it’s going to be lonely, it’s going to be hell, and I’ll probably cry a lot. BUT I’LL STILL HAVE YOU!”

I take in a deep breath, and his hands tighten. Then I exhale, ready to say more, but he sits up quickly, wrapping my arms around my back and burying his face directly over my heart.

“Now who’s the one saying mushy things?” he mutters then waits a second before speaking again. “Promise me, if it ever gets scary or too much, you talk to me. We’ll work through it.”

I nod and whisper, “Promise.”


Quinn: Warn Bryce now. He’s going home. I need you for a few hours alone! By the way- waiting in arrivals.

I bite my lip and glance sideways after reading Quinn’s text. Bryce reaches for my hand, reads the message, and blows out breath.

We pick up our luggage and walk out to see Quinn in the ‘no parking’ lane, talking to a police officer. When we get closer, I recognize him as Trevor, an old friend of Nate and Bryce’s from high school.

As soon as he sees Bryce, his smile goes wide, and he eagerly reaches to shake hands, slapping Bryce on the back. They talk for a few minutes before Trevor notices me, and his eyes grow wide in recognition.