“I’m scared. He’s more than my best friend.”

For the first time since arriving, I think about how this affects Nate. His fear and uncertainty are clear from his tone.

“I’m a selfish bitch.” I cling back to his arms. “You’re hurting, too.”

“Yeah, but I get where you’re coming from. Just don’t lose sight that other people love him, too, especially his parents.”

“I know that!” I step back, completely offended. “Why would you say that to me?”

“Because the same thing you’re thinking is most likely on their minds as well.”

“Oh, God, I didn’t think of that. I’ve been too lost in my own head.”

He stays quiet and lets me process what exactly has been going on around me. Realization comes crashing down and hits me square in the face. An idea pops into my head, and I grab Nate’s arm and drag him back into the hospital.

“Come on.”

“Where we going?”

“First stop is the gift shop. Then you’re buying me lunch while Sheila and Dave visit with Bryce. After that, you’re going back to your place to pick up the list I’m making for you.”

He gives me a grin and follows obediently.

By the time I get back to the room, Dave has dozed off in the recliner and Sheila is sitting on the side of the bed reading. She raises an eyebrow and looks between me and the bags I’m carrying.

“Did you go shopping?”

“Kinda, although my selection was limited.”

She watches me closely as I unload playing cards, magazines, snacks, and the only board game the gift shop had.

“I’m sorry, Sheila. I’ve never acknowledged how scared you must be. It was selfish.”

“Sweetheart, it wasn’t selfish. We know how much you love him.”

“Yes, but so does everyone else, too. So, starting now, we’re going to change our tactics. This room isn’t going to be sad and solemn.” I unwrap the cards and wave them in front of her. “Will you teach me some card games?”

She smiles for the first time in days, and her eyes brighten. “I’d be happy to.”

“Nate will be back with Jamie in a few hours. This afternoon, we’re watching the basketball games. I want Bryce to hear what’s happening.”

Her smile widens. “The guys will love that.”

“Then we need to get ready. The ship arrived today. Nate’s already fielding calls. I suspect we’ll start getting visitors soon.”

“Should we prepare the nurses?”

“Nate has strict orders while he’s out. One of those is to bring back the biggest fruit and chocolate baskets he can find. So I’m sure he’s already called Jamie to help.” I giggle, remembering the look on his face.

“Good call.”

“Now, I want to know how to play poker, so I can beat Bryce when he wakes up.” I hand her the cards and settle on the edge on the bed.

While she shuffles and deals, I reach over and bring Bryce’s hand to my lips. “Time to get up, baby. You’ve slept long enough.”

I don’t know what I expected, but like all the other times, he gives me no response.

Chapter 34