“Don’t be cheeky.” I give an awful English accent, which makes him laugh.

“Awful! You’d make a horrible Mary Poppins.”

“Hey! That’s offensive. I’d be a genius nanny, and I’d rock the pea coat and hat.”

Carlos hits the end of the hallway, which is another door I suspect is locked, and turns around. His eyes light up, and his goofy grin grows warm. “Yes, I’d bet you’d be a genius nanny and rock the silly coat and hat. Don’t you think, Stefan?”

“Sure, Rocket, Claire would be great at anything, and she definitely would rock the silly coat and goofy hat.”

Dammit. The sweet boy is killing me. My hatred for his brother blisters inside, but I can’t deny their bond.

Carlos’ color changes, and we both rush to his side, supporting him. “You okay?” My hand feels his forehead, and he’s not warm.

“Yeah,” he barely whispers.

“How about Stefan gets your wheelchair for the return trip?” I raise an eye over Carlos’ head to Stefan.

“I’d prefer the walker.” Carlos shifts his body weight to my side, and Stefan takes off.

He surprises me by standing on his own, taking his weight back, and looking me in the eye. “I know who you are, and I know why you’re here. I’m going to help get you back to your boyfriend and family. Don’t worry.”

“H-h-how? W-w-wh


“Each night, Stefan and I watch television shows in his room. Last night, your picture flashed on the screen. There are a lot of people looking for you, worried to death. I’m going to get you back to them.”

Tears burn my eyes, and conflicting emotions swirl inside. “Rocket, you let me take care of you. I’ll be okay. Don’t do anything dangerous.”

“My brother is a deadly man, but he loves me.” His statement confirms my suspicions that Carlos knows his brother’s evil side.

“That’s obvious.”

“Do you think you can help me?”

“I’m going to do everything I can to take care of you.”

“I’m going to help you. All we have to do is give him hope, Claire, and I’ll figure out a way to get you back.”

Nothing more is said as Stefan returns with the walker, and Carlos brushes him off. “Sorry, it was a dizzy spell. I’m good now.”

“You sure?” He glances at me skeptically.

“I think he’s fine. Why don’t you give me the walker and you take his side back to the room? I’ll follow behind.”

Stefan nods, doing as I suggest and taking his brother’s elbow. They talk softly, but I can’t miss the concern in Stefan’s voice. I hate myself for allowing my anger to thaw. But, the truth is, in the short time I’ve spent with Carlos, I can understand how easy he is to love. Love, devotion, and family bonds mixed with desperation can make people do crazy things.

My stomach flits and flutters with the newfound knowledge that I’m not alone.

I have an ally.

Chapter 20


The throbbing pain in my chest intensifies watching the picture of Claire on the television. My eyes are glued to the screen, tuning out the reporter repeating the news about her disappearance and lack of leads in the investigation. Thanks to Shaw’s network of associates, Nick’s status and popularity, and general love from the public, this has been the top story for the last six days. Every time the weight of the story slips, social media goes crazy again bringing it to the forefront.

We’ve kept the reason for her kidnapping to a small circle of people, so our communication to the media is funneled through the police. The name Stefano Martinez has been kept under wraps due to his ties with underground crime, drug trafficking, and a variety of other suspected corruptions. He is a leader amongst the Latin Kings in south Florida and a very wealthy man. According to the Florida Bureau and DEA, in the last few years, he’s been slowly disappearing, going deeper and deeper underground. He’s built an impenetrable network to keep up his reputation and business, but he’s removed. There hasn’t been one law-breaking offense tied to him in two years, until now.