“Whoever did your port did a fine job.”

“Mom thought so, but Stefan disagreed.”

“Why is that?” I try not to sound too curious.

“I got a fever. The area surrounding the wound became swollen and painful, and it was sore.”

“That all sounds pretty normal.”

“That’s what my oncologist told them, but Stefan was furious.”

“He cares about you very much.”

“Mom says that’s what big brothers do.”

My body jolts at this revelation. Carlos just gave me another missing puzzle piece to why Stefan kidnapped me. Once he told me this boy was family, he never elaborated, and I didn’t ask. Too much information risked humanizing the bastard, and I didn’t want t

o take that chance. But it also didn’t stop my curiosity from running wild. Since the subject is open, I decide to push further.

“Did you have any treatments with this oncologist?” I know the answer to this but want to keep him talking.

“When they finally diagnosed me correctly, we had three. After my last treatment, I got really sick. My blood counts didn’t recover for a while, so we had to wait for any more treatments. Stefan blamed the doctor, convinced he was going to kill me. He became obsessed with finding a new oncologist that specialized in my area. He disappeared for a while then showed up five nights ago and moved me here.”

“Moved you from where?” I swipe the thermometer over his forehead, the reading normal.

“I don’t think I’m supposed to say.”

“Okay.” I place my fingers on his wrist and watch the seconds on the wall. “Your pulse is a little elevated. You sure you feel okay?”

Pink flushes on his tan cheeks, his eyes drop, and he mumbles to his lap.

“What did you say?”

He peers back to me and the pink reddens. “I said it’s because you’re really pretty and smell like coconut.”

My heart lurches, and I grin down at him, releasing his wrist. “Such a charmer.”

“My brother thinks so, too. He likes you.”

My mind spins searching for a way to shut this down without hurting his feelings.

“But I know you don’t feel the same,” he’s quick to add.

“Why do you say that?”

“Anytime he’s around, your attitude changes. You grow quiet. The light dies out of your eyes.”

He’s perceptive. I should probably try to curtail my resistance to strangle Stefan when he’s around.

“Sit up for me. Let’s do some reflexes.” I change the subject. “Wiggle your fingers, rotate your neck, and then flex your arms.”

He does what I ask, flexing his arms hulk style with the last action.

“You look like a superhero!” I dance in a circle excitedly.

“You look like a fairy,” he jokes, pointing to my new scrubs with flying fairies. They are part of a new wardrobe waiting for me the first night I returned to my room. Pajamas, t-shirts, yoga pants, a variety of scrubs, and underwear a little too sexy for my liking. Knowing Stefan chose them makes my stomach sour, but I have no choice but to wear them.

“I am a fairy of good news. I think we should walk around.”