“She’s a good nurse.”

“She’s exceptional, always has been.”

“Considering your relationship, I’d expect you to say that.”

“Has nothing to do with my relationship. She could be in any department in this hospital, you’d hear the same.”

“Oh, I hear it. Working around a bunch of women, I hear a lot. Apparently, you hooking up with Claire was the topic of conversation. Even a few of your colleagues rumble about missing their chance. A woman like Claire is special, and there’s a line waiting in case you don’t make it. The feistier ones are the best challenge.” The suggestive nature of his tone and the blaze of heat in his eyes turns my blood to ice. His inference is clear.

Tension settles in the air, the good-natured atmosphere vanishing as I mentally count to five. My own voice is gravelly when I find the words. “You want to talk about cancer and kids, feel free to ask. You want to talk about Claire, think twice. She’s off limits.”

“Didn’t peg you as the jealous type.”

“Then you haven’t been paying attention.” I lean forward, crossing my arms on my desk. “You have a great opportunity here at this hospital, Clint. I’ve witnessed your capabilities. Do not fuck that up by pissing me off.”

He raises his hands, shaking his head. “It was meant to be a compliment.”

“There are a lot of ways to compliment Claire without mentioning the line of men waiting and wishing she was single, which will never happen.”

“Noted.” He jerks his chin, dropping his hands to his thighs.

I blow out a breath, contemplating if I want to say what I’m about to. Then I decide, fuck it. “Piece of advice. I meant it when I said you have a good opportunity here. Wherever you end up after finishing your program, you’ll find the medical community is a small world. Screwing the staff of nurses may come back to bite you in the ass.”

“Seems a bit hypocritical coming from you. You’re doing fine screwing a nurse.” There’s a bitterness to his tone, and I regret my remarks immediately.

“My situation with Claire spans back years. It’s not a casual fling. I’m not telling you what to do, but I am suggesting you use discretion and not leave a river of tears in your wake.”

“Jesus, these women are more trouble than they’re worth. Why the hell are they crying about having sex?”

“Maybe that should tell you to be careful who you choose to have sex with. I’m not a woman, nor am I a psychiatrist, but the women we work with have a special kind of heart. Choosing their area of work takes a lot of compassion and comes with heartache.”

“I’m not a bastard; there are no promises made.”

“Maybe not, but think about expectations.”

This time, he blows out a breath, standing. “So Claire’s off limits and keep my dick in my pants. Any other words of wisdom?”

“Claire’s off limits and do what you want with your dick, just be aware.” I grin.

He grins back, the mood from earlier slightly less static as he leaves.

I glance between my laptop and the pile of folders on my desk and groan. Instead of diving in, I pick up the phone to call my mom. It’s time to put my plan in motion.

Chapter 15


“You’re here!” Grace cries, overly enthusiastic, yanking Bizzy and me into her arms. When she’s at our ears, she whispers, “Logan is in a mood. He won’t let me do anything, saying I’m fragile. I’m about to lay him out. Melody is trying to keep the peace, but please help me.”

Melody is Logan’s longtime girlfriend, and she’s a saint, but she’s no match for the Logan slash Grace showdown.

“We got this, honey,” Bizzy whispers back.

“Thank God!” Grace backs away, closing the door and leading us through the massive house to Nick’s new room.

“OH MY GOD!” Bizzy shrieks emotionally when she sees the custom wallpaper Grace put in yesterday. It’s so lifelike even I have to swallow hard to avoid a sentimental reaction.

Grace found a company that would take a picture and transpose it to replicate wallpaper. She chose a black and white shot of Nick and her at the Super Bowl with him lifting the trophy in the air. It’s absolutely stunning.