“Is there anything you want to tell us?”

“Is there something specific you want to know?”

“For fuck’s sake, are you proposing to Claire in Boston?” he asks uncomfortably, guzzling his own beer.

I go quiet again, if anything to drive them crazy. Nick reaches for another beer, shuffling in his seat.

Shaw remains cool; his only tell is the tick in his jaw. The seconds pass until he lets out a long sigh. “You have to give us something.”

“Tonight’s dinner is a ruse to get me alone and pry me for information? Which one of your wives came up with this idea?”

“You did this to yourself, dropping the bomb to everyone you were getting married in Vegas. Now that you’ve planted the seed, it’s the topic of conversation.”

“Not to mention your little crack about not waiting until after the baby comes. Grace is convinced you’re going to do something impulsive,” Nick admits.

“Claire is Bizzy’s best friend, so of course she’s all over this. Creating scenarios in her head and assuming you’re proposing in Boston,” Shaw adds.

“Jesus, you two are worse than them. I don’t remember either of you consulting with me when you proposed.”

“As I said, you did this to yourself,” Shaw states again. “And you should know, Bizzy let it slip to Mom, who is also now in on the speculations.”

I close my eyes and drop my head back. This explains why Mom has called the last three days ‘just to check in’. I don’t have a chance to respond because Sean’s wife returns, and we order dinner. When she leaves, I’m back on the spot.

“I don’t plan to propose in Boston. Thought about it but decided against it. As much as I wish this was a vacation, it’s a

high-pressure medical seminar. We’re not even on the same learning tracks. Not exactly conducive to romance.”

“I thought you were staying over a few extra days.”

“That’s because I’ve never taken her anywhere with only the two of us. I wanted a little downtime to relax before jumping right back into the busyness of our lives,” I explain and see the understanding dawn on them.

“No offense, but Claire has never struck me as a woman that does romance,” Nick points out.

“I lived on that assumption for too long. She’s always going to be Claire, but there’s an emotional side that runs deep. Bizzy and Grace wear their hearts on their sleeves, but Claire keeps hers a little more discreet.”

“I caught a glimpse of that the other night at Nick’s.” Shaw remembers her show of emotions with Roy and the baby furniture.

“Don’t let her know you saw. She’ll make it her mission to prove you wrong,” I warn him.

“Wouldn’t dream of it.”

“Well, if you’re not going to pop the question this week, do you have any idea when you’ll make it official? You gotta give me something for Grace,” Nick questions.

I shoot him a glare, communicating the subject is closed. There is no way I’m telling them anything because, without malice, those women would ruin any chance of a surprise.

“Okay, then at least tell me this. Are you honestly going to drag our asses to Las Vegas?”


“Shit, man… Vegas in the summer. It’s hot as hell,” he grumbles.

“I hate to be a dick, but do I need to remind you that, as of August, Nick and Grace can’t travel for obvious reasons?” Shaw raises an eyebrow.

“No, you don’t need to remind me. I’m aware of when the season starts and when the baby is due.”

The implication hangs in the air, and Nick blows out a whistle through his teeth. “Son of a bitch. You’re holding out on us. You have a plan.”

“Closing the subject on my life now. Gossip session is over.”