“How about taking her to the restroom, telling her thank you, and wiping away the tears she’s guaranteed to shed.”

I nod, knowing he’s right. I’m going to tell her how much the gesture means, and she’s going to cry.

“Ladies, why don’t y’all go to the restroom? I’ll take care of the check, and when you get back, we’ll leave,” he suggests, and I swear Grace is out of her seat with Olympic speed and gone in a flash.

Bizzy and I get up, but before leaving, I turn to Clint. “Thanks for the quick thinking. These girls are going to add to Josh’s already great day.”

“Anytime, Claire. He’s a great kid, and believe it or not, he has a special place with me.”

There’s so much sincerity in his words, and I recall Mathis’s theory that Clint lost someone with cancer. It’s plain to see his theory is correct. Something inside aches for Clint. “You have a special place with him, too,” I say gently and follow Bizzy.

“We should have known that whornado would rear her skank head over this,” I hiss into my phone, then realize it wasn’t as quiet as I thought. I grimace apologetically at the technician doing my pedicure. She grins back, shaking her head in amusement.

“I haven’t even told you the best part. Sasha gave us an ultimatum.”

Bizzy just told me that Brayden’s mom, Sasha, has refused to let him fly across the country for my wedding. She’s threatening to bring in their lawyers if Shaw doesn’t cave. My blood is boiling, but Bizzy seems tickled.

“She offered to amend her stance if we fly her with him and pay for her accommodations.”

Now, I know why Bizzy is tickled. This is the most audacious stunt Sasha’s pulled in a long time. My anger calms instantly and I laugh. “Isn’t that generous of her.” Sarcasm drips from my lips.

“We expected this. After Shaw took her back to court when she tried to move to Atlanta and take Brayden, she’s been biding her time to get revenge.”

“When will she realize it’s her own fault she’s a bloodsucking pariah? I wish she would have hauled ass to Atlanta and left our baby boy with us. He’s much better off without her.”

“Her vanity clouds her reality. But we’re not worried. Shaw’s already called his lawyer, and Caldwell is working on it.”

I smile knowing Caldwell will make mincemeat out of her, as always. My phone dings with another incoming call, and Mathis’s name pops up on the screen. “Biz, I need to go. Mathis is calling.”

“Okay, talk later. I’ll keep you updated on the drama as it unfolds.” She hangs up and I press accept.

“Hey, sweetie.”

“Baby, where are you?” he greets.

“Getting my nails done.”

“Sounds fun.”

“Sometimes it’s nice.”

“I called to let you know I’ll be here late tonight. Can you come in a little early and stop by before your shift?”

“Is that code for bring my ass to your office so we can finally have sex on your desk?”

This time, the technician stops what she’s doing and full out laughs.

“Jesus, I love that mouth.”

“You better. It’s a talented asset of mine.”

There’s a brief pause, and I know he’s thinking the same as me, remembering this morning.

“Can you refrain from making me hard until you’re here to do something about it?”

“I can try.”

“Hurry, I miss you.”