We hang up, and I turn to find the girls admiring the wall, now covered with the black frames.

“Looks amazing.”

“I’m pleased with the way it turned out,” Grace responds, not taking her eyes off her work.

“Who was on the phone?” Bizzy asks.

“Lora and she had some surprising news.” I tell them her news as well as Mathis’s conversation with Clint the other day.

“Maybe he’s turning into a nice guy?”

“Jury’s still out, but I’m thrilled to know the shifts won’t be uncomfortable when he’s around.”

The front door opens, Nick’s voice booming through the space. “Grace, where are you?”

She jumps, her face lighting up, and rushes through us. “Nick, stop where you are. Don’t come back here yet.”

“I’m thinking she needs to surprise him without an audience.” Logan appears beside me.


We all leave, heading to the kitchen where Mathis and Shaw meet us. I go straight to Mathis, curling to his side and lifting to kiss his cheek.

“How did it turn out?”


“I’m not fucking wearing a blindfold, Sweet Peach.” Nick and Grace are in a stare off at the front door, and she’s holding a black blindfold in his face.

She pouts for a brief second then concedes by taking his hand and leading him in the opposite direction. The room falls quiet as we listen for his reaction. I chew on my bottom lip, noticing Bizzy doing the same. Mathis shifts me from his side to his front, lowering his mouth to my ear. “What are the chances tears will be shed?”

“I’ve already had to shut it down once today. My chances of doing it twice are slim.”

“Nick knowing she was up to something for the last few weeks has driven him to insanity. Wait until you see what he has in store for her.”

“He built her an art studio and bought her a mansion. What’s next?”

“You’ll see soon. Mom and Dad are in charge.”

“Did he buy her a boat?” Shaw purchased Bizzy a boat the weekend they got together.

“Not quite. Let’s just say she’s going to be driving in style.”

Grace’s squeal echoes through the house, followed by a high-pitched giggle, and my own stomach flips with happiness. “I think he may like it.”

“Good thing they’re moving furniture into this place tomorrow. It’s loud as fuck.”

“You guys can stop hiding now,” Grace calls.

Mathis links his hand with mine, and we go to Grace and Nick. One look at Grace, and it’s evident how much Nick liked his surprise. Her eyes are glazed, her lips swollen with lip gloss smeared, and her ponytail completely unruly. Nick’s wiping his mouth with the back of his hand and smiling wide. Mathis doesn’t stop until we are in front of the wall, where he scans each picture.

“This is one of my favorites.” I point to one of the three brothers at Bizzy and Shaw’s wedding on the beach.

“Hmmm, that’s a good one, but I’d have to say, this is my favorite.” He gestures to a frame on the outer edge of the collection. It’s a shot Bizzy has framed in her home as well. Nick is standing between Bizzy and me with his arms slung around our shoulders. We’re at a party in college. It’s a great memory, but until now, I didn’t realize the significance.

I peer up to find Mathis staring intently at me. “Two hours earlier, I walked into my baby brother’s apartment and found the love of my life. Best day ever.”

A lump forms in my throat, and my nose stings. “Don’t you dare make me cry.” I choke up.