“Talk fast. Doni and I will measure the wall while you eat, and then we’re going home so I can eat.” I lower my voice.

Her eyes flare, not missing my intention. I go in search of the garage, but before I’m out of earshot, I hear Doni rambling in Greek. Grace must understand what she says because she starts to laugh and replies.

“Yes, it did just get very hot in here.”

Claire bursts out laughing, and it follows me all the way to the garage.

“Mathis, do you have a minute?”

I glance up from my computer to find Dr. Andrews already walking in my office.

“Sure.” I shut the laptop and sit back casually. “What’s going on?”

“Sorry for the interruption, but I received a call today and thought we should talk in person.”

“What kind of call?”

“The kind that got my attention and made me march my ass down here to see if you seriously turned down a chance to work with Charlene Sams on her upcoming research study.”

“I declined her offer.”

“Wanna tell me why? This is a dream and could catapult your career to new levels. You’re a young doctor, your reputation already renowned. After a chance like this, you won’t be asked to attend seminars; you’ll be asked to be the fucking keynote speaker.”

“Maybe, but from the little she told me, the timing is wrong. She wants me in Cleveland, and a project like this could take a year or more. I’m not prepared to do that.”

“If you think your position here is in jeopardy, I’ll approve a sabbatical for as long as it takes.”

“I appreciate the offer, but do you think Claire Dixon is going to uproot and moved to Cleveland?”

“You turned this down for Claire?”

“She’s a huge part of my decision, but as I told Charlene, my commitments are heavy here right now.”

“I’m not following.”

I make a snap decision to tell him what happened in Boston. Dr. Andrews is a man I highly respect in our profession, but he’s also more. He’s a mentor. He was a lifetime bachelor until three years ago when he fell hard, married a woman ten years younger, and immediately started a family with twin boys. So, I explain the story of Charlene’s offer, adding her dismissal of Claire.

“No shit, that isn’t exactly the way she explained things.”

“Do you think I can work day and night on a research study with a woman who openly insulted Claire? Claire would never hold me back, but the fact Charlene disrespected her was a shot at me.”

“Understood. But I had to see where you were coming from.”

“Now you know.”

“Let’s throw around a different scenario. Say someone was putting together a study regarding advanced therapy on Leukemia patients ages six to twelve, and it was right here in Miami. Would you be interested in taking a lead role?”

I sit up, lock eyes with him, and reply sincerely, “In a fucking heartbeat.”

“Heavy obligations be damned?”

“My family is here, my current niece and nephew are here. Nick is about to have a baby, and he plays professional football here. My girlfriend, who goes where I go, is rooted here. Not to mention, this hospital, which had a hand in saving my brother and Bizzy’s life is here. I think you can see the connection.”

He holds my gaze, and I can’t miss the light that sparks and the smile that spreads wide across his face. “Damn, if I didn’t know it before, I have my answer now. I know exactly who’s going to be my replacement when I retire.” He stands, still smiling. “Didn’t think I had it in me to do it with everything else happening and at my age, but with you, it doesn’t seem like work.”

“I’d be honored,” I say, rising with him.

“Be in touch.” He flicks his fingers and strolls out.