Thirty minutes later, we’re in my car headed to Nick and Grace’s new place. The stress and heartache from this morning are still alive, but it’s easier to handle as Claire babbles on about Grace’s recent ideas for the furnishings of the house. When we pull up to a gate, she gives me a code to punch in, and even I’m stunned at the house that comes into view.

“Fucking shit.” I take it in, thinking that my baby brother, the best quarterback in the NFL and idol to thousands, will soon be living here.

“This is unreal,” Claire mutters.

We pull into the circular driveway, and Grace is at my door immediately. “Mathis, you have to promise me to keep quiet.” She worries.

“He’ll be quiet, or he’ll deal with celibacy for a long, long, time,” Claire speaks up.

“Let’s hope sex trumps brothers,” Grace mumbles.

Doni shoot

s me a glare, threatening me with her sharp eyes, and I jerk my chin to let her know I understand.

Claire rounds the car, embracing them both, and quietly tells them about Kesha. Grace’s hand moves to her rounded stomach, and she looks directly at me with a gleam in her eye. “I’m sorry, Mathis.”

“Thanks, Peach Princess.”

Her sad grin doesn’t fool me, and I step to Claire’s side. “Give us a tour?” I suggest, trying to ease the sadness.

Grace’s eyes slide to all of us, and she smiles brightly. “You know your brother is crazy. Don’t judge me as you walk through.”

She tries to mask her excitement, but I catch exactly what Nick meant that night at the restaurant. She beams at the house, and if Claire ever showed that look, I’d buy it too. No questions asked.

Grace takes us directly to a huge, rectangular room with nothing but white walls and French doors to the patio.

“This is it.” Grace spins around.

“This is what?” Claire asks.

“Nick’s place. His ‘man-cave’.” She goes on to tell us about her plans, sweeping her arms over the walls, twirling around the room, and landing on a spot in the corner where she plans to display his trophies. “What do y’all think?” she asks the room, but her focus is on me.

“He’s going to love it.” I can almost imagine the wall of memories coming to life.

“I got the idea from you. Ever since you assigned me to do that for Claire, I’ve wanted to do it for Nick, but we didn’t have a place. Now, we do.”

“It’ll be great.” I squeeze Claire’s hand in mine, and she peeks up at me with a smile.

Grace’s eyes shine bright, brimming with emotion. Claire is right; she is a bit weepy, and being pregnant has elevated that. But after this morning at the hospital and then coming home to Claire in shambles, I can’t handle any more tears.

“The wall will be sweet, but it’s the gaming area that’s going to be a hit.” I try to change the subject.

She swallows a few times, the wetness disappearing from her eyes. “You sound like my brother. Logan is not excited about hanging custom wallpaper and then dozens of frames, but he’s stoked about the pool table.” She smiles.

“Okay, Prego, let’s get to measuring,” Claire breaks in. “I’m starving, and Mathis has imposed a curfew, so we’re on a timeline.”

“A curfew? But we have a lot to catch up on,” Grace argues.

“Mathis, there is a ladder in the garage. Will you grab it? We’re going to need exact wall dimensions,” Doni requests in her thick Greek accent and quirks an eyebrow at me.

Her message is clear; it’s time for girl talk. Problem is I have no idea where the garage is. “Not a problem, Doni. I’ll wander through the six thousand square feet aimlessly searching for a garage.”

“Through the living room, formal dining, and on the right of the kitchen. When you hit the mudroom, you’re there,” Grace instructs.

I raise my eyebrows, not knowing one area she described. “I’ll find it and navigate my way back. By then, Claire will have had plenty of time to fill you in on our trip.”

“Take your time. There’s a lot to tell.” Claire lifts up to kiss the underside of my jaw.