“Now, are you ready for bed?”

“Actually, I have plans.”

“What plans?”

“I’m going to see the mansion today, help Grace measure some walls, and then I need to add stopping by the drugstore on my list to buy temporary pink and purple hair dye for tonight.”

“Why are you measuring walls?”

“I can’t tell you.”

Now, my own curiosity piques, and I move quickly, flipping her onto her back and trapping her underneath me. “What are you girls up to?”

“It’s a surprise.”

“It’s not my surprise, so fill me in.”

She chews on her lip, looking at the ceiling and finally answering. “Doni and Grace are doing something special for Nick in one of the rooms. I don’t know all the details yet, but I assume she has something ultra-artistic and equally cheesy planned. Bizzy is keeping Nick occupied so we can get the measurements without him hovering.”

“It’s a Bennett Babe operation,” I conclude.

“Except Doni is involved, and we have two hours to pull it off without Nick wondering where Grace is.”

“I’m in.”

“You’re not invited. Grace wants secrecy.”

“Clue in, do you think any of that crew has secrecy? If anything, I’m the most solid. I haven’t seen the mansion, I want to spend the day with you since I’ve barely seen you with our schedules, and I’m setting ground rules.”

“There are no ground rules! It’s secret operation Grace day!”

“I keep the secrets, I help with measurements, and I endure the girl gab. Then I bring you home by two to get a long nap before I drop you back at the hospital at seven.”

“Girl gab is going to include a shitload of gossip about Boston since I haven’t seen Grace.”

“I’ll deal.”

“This isn’t a manly day. I plan on going into detail about Charlene.”

“One of my favorite memories of Boston.”

She studies me for a brief second before saying, “You’re worried about me.”

“No, I know you’re fine, but in the slim chance you need me, I’m going to be close.”

“I love you, Dr. Bennett.” This is a normal statement from her, but every time I hear it, a sense of empowerment comes over me.

“I love you more. How much time do we have until we have to meet Grace and Doni?”

She arches back to the clock on the shelf and groans. “One hour, Grace is bringing lunch.”

I surge up, taking her with me and stalking to the bathroom.

“We’re going to be late if I shower with you,” she protests when I turn on the shower.

“You get ready, I’ll be quick. We’ll save the fun stuff for naptime.”

Her eyes light with hunger, and she nods as I strip and move under the water.