“Wow,” she whispers in awe.

“I’m sorry morale’s taking a hit, but maybe these women should clue in that he’s a playboy and make better choices. They don’t have to fall into bed with him.”

Something crosses her face, and it’s my turn to tense. My hand moves to her neck and feels her pulse speeding. “What aren’t you telling me?”

“Um, I may have been a bit rude to him.”


“When he fucked Lora and less than twenty-four hours later he was flirting with the redheaded vixen that floats in our department.”

“What did you say?”

“Nothing really, but he told me it was none of my business who he fucks.”

“He’s right. He may have been crass, and I’m not sure I agree with his wording, but he’s right. I had three doctors approach me when we went public. They weren’t keen on my intimate relationship with a nurse. I told them the same, but in a more diplomatic way.”

Shock registers on her face, and she closes her eyes, nodding.

“You’re tight with the crew on our floor, and you’re an incredible nurse. I understand your loyalty and alliance, but this is something you need to stay out of. If it’s in your face, then maybe you can suggest these women know the stakes. He’s not seemingly interested in a relationship. Personally, I hate it’s causing strife, but he’s there to learn, and from what I witnessed today, he’s on the right track.”

“What’s his track?” Her eyes are now filled with curiosity.

“He’s headed toward pediatric work in Infectious Diseases. This is a stop along the way in his education and requirements.”

“Don’t you find it odd he has such favoritism? He also had access to the supply room and God knows where else.”

This is news, but not unusual. “Not if the higher-ups saw in him what I saw today. I’m not involved with the decisions, but he’s fought hard to stay with our team because it’s on his career path.”

“I’ll stay out of it, Mathis, and if the opportunity arises, I’ll pitch my words of advice to stay away from him unless there’s a mutual interest in one-night stands.”

“You do what you have to do, baby, but remember, not all one-night stands are bad. Mine led me to this point. Maybe he’ll hook up with the one woman who kills that streak.”

“Are you condoning his behavior?” She squints her eyes with disapproval.

“I’m not judging it. Maybe he needs to stand across the room from a woman who makes him laugh for the first time in forever, take one look and thinks she’s the most gorgeous thing he’s ever seen, and take her to bed for the most incredible night of his life. Then he’ll know he’s ruined forever. All I’m saying is tread lightly. It takes the right woman.”

Her face instantly softens. “Men are complicated.”

I chuckle because she’s wrong, but it’s not worth starting an argument.

“And, now, I must decide how to proceed. Because you’re right, he’s just an intern making a stop with us for a while. He’s there to learn, observe, and educate. You think he’s got skills and, obviously, you have great taste.” She waves her hand up and down herself, playfully.

“Obviously, I have exquisite taste.” I kiss the corner of her lips.

“Now, I have to learn how to stay a part of the sisterhood while keeping my mouth shut.”

“Is it that hard to keep your mouth shut?” I quiz her.

“Yes! You know me; I’ve got credibility. These women count on me, and now, I’ll be watching them all to see if one of them is ‘the one’.”

“Jesus, now I’ve got to say it’s women who are complicated. Stay out of it.”

“I can’t stay out of it. Didn’t you hear me say I have ward cred?”

“We’re ending this ridiculous conversation. But, before we do, I want to set you straight. This Clint guy may have my current vote of confidence for his skills, but if he even looks at you the wrong way, I want to know. He says anything to make you uncomfortable or uneasy, you come to me. My number one priority is sitting here in my lap, and no matter what kind of clout he has with administration, I’ll fucking shut him down.”

She cuddles into my chest, laying her head on my shoulder. “I’m fine, and you have nothing to worry about.”