Dr. Sams is standing there with her fist raised to knock again, and when she sees me, her face immediately transforms into a scowl. “What the hell are you doing here?” she spews.

“This is my suite,” I reply, taking her in. She’s wearing an attractive burgundy wrap-around dress with bell sleeves and a cropped hemline. Her gold strappy sandals are from this year’s Louboutin collection, and I recognize them from Grace’s closet. It’s an awesome outfit. If she wasn’t such a bitch, I’d compliment her.

“This is Dr. Bennett’s suite, Nurse Dixon.” She thinks she’s correcting me but has no idea that outside of those hospital walls, all bets are off.

“Seeing as Mathis and I live together, this is our suite, Dr. Sams.” I replicate her tone, propping my hand on my hip.

“You really are a piece of work.”

“Can I help you?” I try to rein in my inner bitch.

“I came to see Mathis.” She shifts slightly, the top of the dress gapping, and I can’t miss she’s not wearing a bra.

“Obviously, but he’s busy.”

“If you tell him I’m here, I’m sure he’ll want to talk to me.”

“Talk to you? Aren’t we all going to be at the same dinner tonight?”

She can’t respond because Mathis’s voice comes from behind me, and her eyes shoot over my shoulder. “Babe, what are you doing?” I swing my head back and see he’s got a towel around his waist, beads of water on his abs, and his hair dripping.

Doctor. Fucking. Delicious.

“Dealing with the nuisance at the door,” I answer and watch as he raises his eyes and goes solid.

“Charlene, what are you doing here?”

I snap my head and find her mouth parted, her eyes dilated, and recognize the lust building in them. She stands in her trance until I clear my throat loudly.

She lifts a foot to step forward, and I push the door to block her.

“I came to speak to you, Mathis. If you’d tell this woman to step aside, I’d like a few minutes.”

“Now’s not a good time. Claire and I need to get ready,” he responds.

“This is important. It’s also highly confidential.” She directs her statement at me.

“As I mentioned, now is not a good time.”

“Perhaps Nurse Dixon could find somewhere else to be and leave us.”

“Are you fucking joking?” I sneer at her then toss my head over my shoulder to Mathis. “This nuisance just became a pain in my ass, and it’s pissing me off. Does she think she’s fooling anyone showing up here, unannounced, uninvited, and seriously fucking unwelcome? She may be a highly accredited doctor, but that’s the extent of her brains. Her intentions are as obvious as her shitty bleached hair and fake tits. What’s even more pathetic is she thinks she has a shot with you. Please tell me you haven’t fucked this woman before.”

His lips twitch and he sucks his bottom one between his teeth, shaking his head. “No, I didn’t sleep with Charlene.”

“Well, that’s a relief because she’s totally ruining my relaxed Zen. I need you to go back to the bedroom where she can’t stand here lusting over your ridiculously hot body to fantasize about.”

He doesn’t move, but I turn my attention back to Charlene and find her face pale but her glare scorching.

“I tried to be civil, but you tipped that scale. Now, I’ll repeat what Mathis was politely saying. Now is not a good time. If you want to talk to him, we’ll be at dinner after having drinks with the rest of the nurses.”

She winces as if the thought of hanging with the nurses is abhorrent.

“Claire, I think it’s time you shut the door.” Mathis’s arm slinks around my waist, pulling me to him.

Her eyes drop to where he’s holding me, and she straightens her shoulders, raises her chin and looks directly at him. “I’m conducting a new study with an immuno-therapy radiation therapy cross. You’d be an asset to my research.”

“Can I do this from Miami?”