they stopped talking, but when Tammy saw Lora, her eyes welled up with tears. I felt odd and tried to back away, but it was like a train wreck. Lora must have clued in immediately, knowing what was going on, because she gave Tammy a hug and there was a lot of rambling about being stupid and falling for this guy’s charm. I was piecing it all together when the phrase ‘stupid assholes with one-night stands’ came out, and they all froze and turned to me. Everyone knows about Shaw and Sasha, but it’s never mentioned. I’ve never felt so awkward before in my life. I retreated quickly, practically running to Evie’s office to get Brinley.”

“Fucking Clint,” I assume, my blood pressure rising. “I haven’t told you about him, but he’s the newest dick to hit our department.”

“You don’t have to tell me much. I had the displeasure of meeting him. When Brinley and I returned to the rec room, Grace was talking to a guy I didn’t recognize. He was nice, extremely good-looking, and suave. But when Grace reached for Brinley, his eyes did a sweep over me. Actually, that’s not true, they slithered over me like a snake. Who is this guy?”

“You nailed it, he’s a snake. Some sort of intern who is obviously fucking his way through the department. I can’t figure it out. He’s got some kind of pull with administration and is getting huge privileges I’ve never seen before. From what I gather, he’s now slept with both Lora and Tammy, dismissing them without regard. If you think Evie looked worried, my guess is she knows he’s banging her staff one by one.”

“It’s not technically against the rules, but it’s highly unethical.”

I stop myself from sharing my encounter in the supply room with her. I haven’t told Mathis for a reason, and if Bizzy knows, there’s a good chance Shaw will know, which starts the avalanche.

“Did anything else happen?”

“No, he didn’t even blink when Nick came to join us. He shook his hand then excused himself to go find Dr. Cross.”

“I’ll try to talk to Evie when I get back, but it’s none of my business. From what I can tell, these women are willing participants.”

“Yeah, but stay away from him, Claire. He seems fucking dirty.”

“You don’t have to worry; I can handle myself.”

“Okay, go enjoy your spa afternoon and getting ready for your big night. Tell Mathis we said hi and, hopefully, he’s not too irritated with Grace and me.”

“He didn’t care, Bizzy, and I think it’s hilarious.” When Mathis told me about Shaw and Nick’s interrogation, I wasn’t a bit surprised.

“Okay, call me when you get home. We miss you.”

I say my goodbye, hang up, and immediately text Shaw that Bizzy needs a spa day with full-service treatment. I highly recommend he include Grace and me.

I’m on my way to the elevator when I receive his reply.

Shaw— Done.

I truly love the Bennett brothers.

“Babe, you sure you won’t join me?” Mathis holds the shower door open, naked and waiting.

“The offer is tempting, but you paid a lot of money for this.” I wave my hand around my head, indicating my hair and make-up.

“Worth every penny.”

I strut out of the bathroom, adding a little sway, and smile to myself when he groans.

My afternoon at the spa included a ninety-minute massage and then a complete makeover. The stylist did a great job on my hair, but she went all out on my make-up. My smoky eyes are lined in a deep blue that makes them stand out with deep crimson on my lips. If I tried this at home, I’d look like a streetwalker, but she had a knack for colors and somehow made it work.

He breezed in the door, took one look at me, and prowled. I had to run around the hotel suite to avoid getting tackled, and in the end, I promised quite a few sexual favors.

I lay out my dress and shoes, putting on my jewelry when there’s a knock at the door.

“Sweetie, are you expecting a delivery?” I poke my head into the bathroom, and he opens the door shaking his head.

“Someone is knocking.”

“Ignore it, you can’t answer it in that.” He sweeps his eyes over my short robe.


I go back to getting ready, and the knocking continues. I tiptoe to the door, peeking through the hole, and my blood runs hot. “For fuck’s sake.” I make a snap-second decision and fling it open.