“I can’t tell him that. His head is already big enough.”

I chuckle, knowing exactly what he means. Shaw is extremely intense when it comes to Nick’s career. Hell, Shaw is intense always.

“I’ll be here for you, Nick, and if things get to be too much, we’ll sick Bizzy on him.”

“Hell yes, good plan.”

“Now, are you going to feed me before dropping me at the airport?”

His doorbell rings followed by Bizzy’s yell of greeting as she lets herself in. I raise an eyebrow in question.

“Bizzy insisted on going with us. She’s on a huge guilt trip about having her clinical shift last night and missing time with you.”

I open my mouth then snap it shut but not quick enough.

“She’s alone, Mathis,” Nick answers my unasked question.

I nod, grabbing my bag and forcing the disappointment down deep.

It’s for the best.

At least, that’s what I’ll keep telling myself.


11 Months Later

“Say something,” Mathis pleads with me, closing the small distance between us and skimming his fingers from my temple, down my cheek, then cupping my chin.

I allow myself to feel his touch one last time. Because that is what this is—the last time. It should have been obvious the moment I saw him tonight that things were going to change, but I was too wrapped up in the excitement of my news to pay attention.

Now, it consumes my mind. The way he undressed me carefully, made love to me gently, kissed me sweetly. This was unlike the other times we’ve shared, which were always in a rush, hiding and sneaking around. The passion was so intense and so fiery, we didn’t stop until both of us were exhausted and physically sated. Those are the memories I choose to lock away, not what is happening now.

I swallow the lump in my throat, open my eyes, and force myself to move out of his space, sliding off the bed and reaching for my pajamas. “I need to get dressed.”

“That’s not what I wanted you to say.”

I shrug, unable to find any words.

“Claire, you have to understand I’m doing this for you.”

“I heard that the first three times you said it.”

“Why didn’t you tell me before tonight?”

“About my job? You knew I wanted to come back to Miami. You knew I was applying at all the hospitals, and Bizzy and I had a plan to work together.”

“Yes, but why didn’t you tell me about the job offer?”

“Because Bizzy and I wanted it to be a surprise for my parents, her parents, the Bennett family, all of you.”

“Did you think about the position it would put me in?”

“Actually, I didn’t think of you at all,” I lie through gritted teeth. Of course, I thought about him. He’s almost all I thought about through this entire process. “I love children, and oncology is close to my heart now. Bizzy and Nick are cancer survivors, and I want to be a nurse to help people like them. You should understand that more than anyone.”

“This is for the best.”

“You’re right, it is.” I dig deep, burying my emotions and finding the strength to face him. I’ve learned a lot about Mathis over the last year. He’s got a determination that’s unswayable. Once his mind is made up or he’s faced with a challenge, he’s unstoppable.