“That’s what you texted yesterday. What I want to know is what happened? I waited long enough for an explanation. When Bizzy called, she said you had a freakout. When Mathis called, he said it was a misunderstanding. Which one was it?” My mom puts me on the spot.

“Umm, I guess a little of both. It was a mini-freakout over a major misunderstanding. Everyone overreacted, as usual, and worried you unnecessarily.”

“Why didn’t you call me?”

“I needed some time to work through my mess. You would never know I was here if these nosy-bodies didn’t tell you. It was a place for space.”

As if on cue, Mathis’s hand snakes up my side and squeezes my boob, his lips kissing along my neck. “Never getting any space again,” he mumbles into my skin.

I try to swat him away, which is useless because my other hand is handcuffed to him.

“Did you work things out? Is he there?”

“Yes, he’s here.”


“I guess you could say we’re working things out.”

“Oh, thank God, I was scared you finally chased that man away.”

Mathis chuckles, clearly hearing her.

“Why would you assume it was me that chased him away?” My spine goes straight, irritation rising.

“Claire, you’re a handful, always have been. Your father and I have always said it would take a saint to deal with your feisty nature.”

“Whose side are you on?” I clip.

“I didn’t know there were sides. Is there a war? Should we grab our armor and prepare for battle? Because Lord knows you can find a way to fight with a tree if it pisses you off.”

“Mom—” The phone is snatched out of my hand, Mathis leaning against the couch and out of earshot.

“Kelly, you have Mathis now.”

I try to get close enough to hear, but he props the phone between his ear and shoulder then puts his hands on my shoulders to keep me in place.

“Yes, we are fine. But I’ve spent the last eight hours trying to rectify my mistake and finally had her calmed down. Now, she’s firing laser beams at the phone.”

The only thing I can make out is the sound of her loud cackling.

“I know, and I’ll explain that to her.”

More snickers and rumblings.

“Not tonight. Let’s plan something for next week. I’ll call Mitch and set it up.”

The line goes quiet and his eyes shoot to mine, his fun-loving grin disappearing. An uneasy feeling claws at my gut.

“I understand, and it won’t happen again. She’s the most important thing to me as well.”

More silence.

“I’ll tell her. We will talk soon.”

He hangs up and tosses the phone across the sofa.

“What was that about?”