My cock throbs when she wiggles her hips then stops. “Where are your clothes?”

“On the floor.”

She goes completely still, her body freezing against mine.

“I’m not here for sex, Claire.”

“Then why are you naked?”

“Because I like to sleep naked, and you were asleep.”

“I’m not sleeping now.”


“What are you doing


I swing my legs forward, gaining ground, and lift her. I give her just enough space to let her think she’s going to fall, so she has no choice but to grasp me for support. The blanket falls to the ground, and my hands move to her ass.

“Nice.” I grin when I grip the bare skin.

“What are you doing now?” she screeches this time as I walk us to the bedroom Bizzy told me was off the hallway.

I choose not to answer until I lay her back on the bed and have her properly pinned under me. “Starting over.”

“I don’t want to start over. It’s too late to start over. There is too much history to forget.”

“You’re right, there’s history. But, hopefully, by the time I’m done, you’ll only remember the best parts.”

“Mathis, you’re not listening to me. I can’t go back to the place we were.”

“We’re not going backward.”

“Why are you being so stubborn? I don’t want you anymore!” she screams, trying to sound strong, but the emotion in her voice gives her away.

“Is that a challenge?”

She shakes her head violently, snapping her mouth shut.

“Good, baby, because my plans are to make this time much better,” I tell her before crushing my mouth to hers and muffling any more excuses.

I know I have my work cut out for me, but I look forward to every second.

Chapter 5


There’s no escape. The only window in the bathroom is a beveled tile accent window for natural light. I’m too large to fit through the air vents.

Think, Claire.

I can’t make a run for it, because I’m only in a t-shirt and pink panties I left in here last night, and unfortunately, my keys are either in my purse, on the counter, or somewhere in the couch cushions. There’s no way I can outrun him without a better plan.

I had to beg to convince him to let me use the restroom by myself. Even then, he walked me in, did a scan to make sure it didn’t connect to another room, then shut me in.

Ridiculous! He’s being ridiculous. Whoever gave him pointers sucks at advice.