“What are you doing here?”

“I came to get you.”

“Get me for what?”

“For me.”

There’s a slight flicker in her eyes right before she starts to struggle. I tighten my grip and drop my head back to her neck, kissing until I reach her ear. “You’re not getting away this time, Claire. Stop trying.”

“Let me go.”

I lean back to meet her face and squeeze her tighter. “Never, Claire. I’m never letting you go again. These last few days have been the most fucked up in my life, and I’m not going through it again. You had your space. Now, you have me whether you like it or not. I’m not going anywhere.”

“Why are you doing this to me? It’s hard enough as it is.” Her voice cracks, and I catch the first glimpse of that emotional vulnerability Shaw mentioned.

It’s soul-crushing and beautiful at the same time, a piece of her she’s kept hidden but is finally giving me.

“I’m sorry,” I say softly, and she jerks back, searching my face. “I’m sorry for being complacent and boring. I’m sorry for letting you think you were inconsequential when you’re anything but. You’re the light of my fucking life, and have been since I walked into that apartment in Tallahassee. There is so much to talk about, so much to explain, and I promise to give you all of it, every piece you want to know. But, mostly, I’m sorry for letting you think, all these years, that I didn’t accept you as a challenge. Because the truth is, you’re the best challenge I ever accepted, and the rewards are more than I could have imagined.”

Her eyes brim with tears, and she swallows hard. “Mathis, it’s done.”

“Yes, it is. No more holding back with me, Claire. You have something to say, say it. You feel something isn’t right, tell me. You’re never running away from me in the middle of the night again only for me to discover you’ve been holding back some really fucked up perceptions.”

The moisture in her eyes dries almost instantly, and a fire blazes. “I’m going to kill those girls. As of right now, I’m on the prowl for new friends. Preferably friends who know how to keep their damn mouths shut.”

“You can’t be too mad at them considering our roles in their lives.”

“I can be mad.”

“You left me no choice. I needed help.”

“You never need help.”

“When faced with losing the love of my life, I asked for help.”

She sucks in a shaky breath, and her lips begin to tremble. “What did you say?”

“You left me no choice. I was at a loss and needed assistance.”

“Not that part, you fool!” She tries to slap my chest, but her hands are stuck between us.

I grin, brushing my lips across hers, enjoying the sign of her playfulness. “When faced with losing the love of my life, I asked for help.”

“Are you fucking with my head?”

“No more fucking with your head.”


“You should have talked to me.” I lower my voice. “More importantly, I should have made you.”

“You can’t make me do anything.”

“I can make you listen to me now.” I nip at her bottom lip.

“Stop,” she mumbles.

“Not a chance.” I tease her mouth, nibbling her lip and running my tongue along the seam before sucking it between my teeth. One hand escapes, and she cups my jaw, scraping her fingernails on my cheek.