Claire getting pregnant with twins was a surprise, but when we found out they were boys, she made me promise to wait a few years before even discussing more children. She swore our predicament was caused by working so closely with Dr. Andrews since he had twin boys. Then she said we were done after their birth. Her argument was I got my sons, and she only had to endure one pregnancy. Lucas and Caleb were born and, immediately, I wanted more. I didn’t hide this from her. It took months, but she agreed we’d discuss it again when the boys turned two.

So, seven weeks ago, we found out she is pregnant again, and she went into shock. This baby is a complete surprise. She’s convinced I jinxed us.

This morning at her OB appointment, the sonogram was easy to read. I saw him clearly. She took one look at me, back to the screen, and knew as well. She isn’t getting a girl.

“I’ll try better next time.”

“You think it’s a joke, but I’m dead serious,” Claire insists. “This is it. No more after this.”

“I had three boys and survived. You will do just fine.” Mom tries to sound reassuring.

“Maria, you had three boys with a healthy time span in between. I’m going to have a newborn when my kids hit the terrible twos.”

“You’re being dramatic again. It’s going to be wonderful.” Bizzy rolls her eyes. “Grace and I are the ones you should feel sorry for.”

“Why should I feel sorry for anyone?”

“Because Shaw and Nick are not going to let this go. He’s already told me he’s ready to try again for a boy. Evelyn is only six months old.”

“Nick said the same thing, and Riley is four months,” Grace agrees.

“Oh my God! This is ridiculous.” Claire twists into me. “You and your brothers have to stop. It’s dangerous to keep reproducing all these Bennetts. Pretty soon, a reality show is going to come after us.”

“You want me to tell my brothers to stop having children with their wives?”


My mom barely stifles her laugh, hearing the suggestion. She’s in love with the thought of having a dozen grandchildren, and it looks like she may get her wish… and then some. I glance over at the pack ‘n play set up with Riley and Evelyn sleeping together. They both lasted long enough for family pictures with the boys before the cake smashing and then passed out.

I’m not surprised to hear Nick and Shaw have started in about more children because we have all learned, in our own ways, it takes time to convince our wives to agree. Shaw and Nick are competitive by nature, so the twins upped the ante.

I had great fun in rubbing it in Shaw’s face that taking the slow boat paid off in spades. He didn’t think it was funny and had Gail plan a romantic getaway. Brinley stayed with us while he and Bizzy took the boat to the Bahamas for four days, hence came Evelyn. Nick wasn’t far behind, taking Grace to New York. This time, we didn’t get Kayla because the whole Monroe clan descended to Miami. As we all suspected, Grace announced her pregnancy nine weeks later.

“I think maybe we can try for one more.” I caress Claire’s stomach, pulling her earlobe between my lips. “I swear to try for a girl next go-round.”

“Meaning you aren’t hearing me that this is the last time. I have a lifetime of hell-raising, head-banging, stubborn boys to wrangle in. Even my dog is a boy!”

As if on cue, the door opens and Ranger bolts in. Ranger?

?s tongue hangs out of his mouth as he looks around and finds Claire. He rushes to her, nudging my hand to the side, and nuzzles her stomach affectionately.

“I do love my boys,” she admits so only I can hear, her eyes going outside. “And I’ve always loved the name Seth Mitchell.”

My heart skips a beat, and I peer over my shoulder at Dad and Mitch following the boys who are teetering in the sand as Kelly takes pictures. “It’s perfect.”

“And you have to promise me, if we don’t have a girl after this, we are done.”

“I’m not promising that.”

“We really are brooding a cult.”

“I don’t think cult is the right word.”

“A lawyer, a doctor, and an undeniably talented athlete having babies like crazy. I’d say that’s an elite group.”

“When you put it that way, I guess so.”

She smiles slyly and nudges Ranger away, standing and grabbing my hand.