This should be good. “Let me have them.”

“Our daughter will never wear one of those gaudy, hideous bows that Bizzy loves so much. We make a statement from birth and stand together. No backing down to peer pressure.”

I’m not sure why this matters, but it’s best to agree. “Done.”

“You can’t turn into an overprotective caveman like your brothers did.”

“I’ll do my best.” My answer is noncommittal.

“Here’s the biggie. It requires the largest promise of all.”

“Don’t push it.”

“If at any time you see signs of me turning into the tearful, weepy, emotional basket case Grace was, you have to stop it.”

“Baby, there’s not much I can do about hormonal reactions. That’s human nature.”

“No way, you see it coming, you do something.”

“Like what?”

“You’re the doctor. Find a cure. We’d be billionaires if you can find an antidote.”

My hands slip under the hem of her nightgown and skim along her back until they settle at her shoulder blades. “I’ve told you before; there’s no fixing my perfection.”

“Gah! No! We can’t be mushy ei


“Any more conditions?”

“Not now, but I reserve the right to add when needed.”

“What about our son?”

“What son?”

“You had the stipulation for the bow on our possible daughter, nothing for our possible son?”

“The Bennett brother trend is girls right now. I haven’t thought of boys. That’s why I picked out a male dog.”

At this, I roll us to our sides, pulling apart only to whip the gown over her head. “You’ve issued a challenge.”

Her hands go back to my scalp, tugging my hair and tilting my face to hers. “It’s very annoying you always get your way.”

“Give me an hour and see if it’s still annoying.”


“Confident,” I counter.

She flashes her beaming smile, and her eyes begin to sparkle. For a split-second, I’m transferred back in time. Catching her staring at me from across the room, those eyes, that smile, brilliance and beauty so stunning it was blinding. I never stood a chance. At this moment, the same feelings race through my mind, a sense of possession so strong it rocks me. She’s still and always will be untamed, spontaneous, and crazy. She’s also affectionate, loving, and has a sensitive side that runs deeps. All that mixed together is sheer perfection.

I understand what Mitch said on the terrace. Being in love with Claire would always be a curse and a blessing. He’s had a lifetime of keeping on his toes with Kelly. I have the same. Our new puppy is proof of this.

“I love my present. And tomorrow…” my lips trace the column of her neck, “we’ll name him.”

“You know, if you think about it, I actually did give you our first baby, even if it is a fur baby.”