“And yet you think I should go? Not really the poster guy for love and romance.”

A flicker of pain slashes through her gaze before she shuts it down and pastes on a small smile. “You’re right. A single heartthrob like you would never get any relaxation in. Women would be on the prowl the second you stepped off the plane. Maybe you should take your days off and learn how to surf.”

“Grew up in Miami. I’ve known how to surf since I was five.”

“How about kite-surfing? That always looks fun...”

I jerk back to the moment to find Claire staring at me with amazement.

“A magical, exotic paradise… for love and romance,” I repeat her words.

“You blew me off after that night…”

“I think we’ve already established I was a dick in denial, and my response is proof of that. What you don’t know is, when I got back to Miami, something wasn’t right. Symptomatically, things were fine, but I couldn’t shake the unwavering ache in my chest. My attitude was shit. It took two weeks to self-diagnose. It was jealousy and possession. I envied the fucker who got to experience that with you.”

“That person was non-existent until a few minutes ago.”

“Irrational, Claire. I’ve always been irrational when it comes to you. That’s why, in a few hours, we’re going to board a chartered plane and spend the next two weeks in a private villa in Mustique.”

She closes her eyes and takes a few deep breaths. When she opens them, my chest tightens. The blue is glittering and sparkling so bright it takes my own breath away.

“How long before we leave?”

“Three hours.”

She pushes up, sitting astride me, and bites down on her lip. “Hmm, wonder how I can show my appreciation?”

I hitch up on my elbows. “Why don’t you start by kissing your husband?”

“That’s an excellent idea.”



7 Months Later


I knew you could make miracles happen. The news of Carlos’ remission is the one thing I’ve ever truly wanted, and you helped make that happen. For that, you have my gratitude.

It may not make sense to you, but every decision I made from the time I was fourteen was about protecting and providing for my family. There is no telling what my future holds, but there is comfort in knowing Carlos has you.

I learned at an early age that there is no room for regret in my life. However, with you, that is different. This is my apology for all that I put you through. You are, and always will be, safe from me. I will not ask for your forgiveness but hope one day you can understand my actions.

You have a gift, Claire. Don’t ever stop sprinkling your fairy love.



“Wow,” Grace folds the letter and slips it back into the envelope.

“How did Mathis react?” Bizzy asks gently, staring blankly at the envelope. I purposely didn’t tell them about the letter until today, so I could assure them in person I was okay.

“Shockingly well. I was terrified this would push him back on the edge of madness, but he handled it calmly. We both went to talk to Ina and Carlos. They admitted to receiving a letter as well but assured us they had no personal contact. It’s not surprising Stefano heard the news. The police have concluded all along he had a way of getting information.”

“Did you call the police?”