“I’m actually pissed about this,” Grace pipes in.

“Why are you pissed?”

“Last year, when Nick and I were broken up, you didn’t offer it to me before I left town. You knew how I felt about staying with him.”

“Come on, Peach Princess, you know Nick had a plan. He wouldn’t let me hide you away for five seconds. Considering you’re incubating another human, I’d think you’d be more appreciative.”

“There it is.” Grace high-fives Bizzy.

“There what is?” I’m confused.

“Your sass proves you’re normal.”

“Of course, I’m normal!”

“I had to make sure.”


“Because we are intrusive and highly inappropriate at times, and we needed to make sure we were dealing with the real Claire.”

I stare at them stunned. Grace used my exact phrase from long ago when she was trying to leave Nick and we intervened. They stand shoulder to shoulder, watching me for a reaction, and all I can do is shrug, knowing it’s payback.

“Fine, I’m going to get a drink.” I turn to the kitchen. “You can’t have anything because you’re up-the-duff, but Bizzy, you want something?”

“I’ll have what you’re having.” She goes to the sofa, shooting me a look I know well.

I’m screwed. I knew this was coming, but I was hoping for at least a few more days to prepare. Breaking up with Mathis is hard enough, but now I have to assure my friends that everything will be okay.

I pour two large glasses of wine, returning to the living room to inquiring eyes.

“We broke up, it’s okay. Everyone will be fine.” I hand Bizzy one glass and tuck my legs under myself on the couch. “It’s no big deal.”

“No big deal? You’ve been together for ages. You told us yourself how crazy you were about him. This is a very big deal.”

“I’m still crazy about him. He’s a great guy, but that doesn’t mean we’re meant to be. “

“You can quit acting blasé, Claire. I know you’re hurting.”

“I’m not denying that. It fucking sucks. Even though I’ve never really been through a break-up before, I suspect most people feel this same way.”

They exchange a look I read instantly. Time to convince them I’ll be fine, so they’ll leave and I can go back to moping.

“Girls, you don’t need to get involved. This is going to be clean. No dramatics, no awkwardness, and no choosing sides. Mathis and I will continue to work together. We’re all close, and this will not interfere with our friendships.”

“When I thought I lost Shaw, I’ve never felt that kind of anguish,” Bizzy shares.

“I know, I was there, and that’s exactly why this isn’t going to be a big thing,” I try to reassure her.

“When Nick broke things off with me, I didn’t stop crying for days. My heart actually broke.” Grace’s voice is packed with pain.

“I remember that, too.”

“Why are you so calm?”

“Because my situation is different. Nick and Shaw would stop at nothing to prove their love. Mathis and I are different.”

“Different how?” Bizzy questions.