“Well…I guess I’ll see you tomorrow?”

“Yeah. Tomorrow.”



“So, I walked in there and threw the folder right at his face.” I flipped my hair over my shoulder and snapped my fingers. “Waltzed in there like a boss bitch. Told him what’s up. You know what he said?”

Dad ate his dinner across from me, chewing as he stared.

“Nothing. Nada. Zip.”

“Attagirl.” Mom was proud, like always when I put men in their place.

Dad normally would be, but he didn’t have anything to say now.

“The tests all confirmed it, and we paired her with the perfect neurologist to manage her symptoms. I’m so happy for her, but I can’t lie, proving that smug asshole wrong felt pretty damn good.”

“I bet he won’t underestimate you again,” Mom said.

“I don’t think so either.” I picked up my quinoa taco and took a bite. “So, then he comes into my office later, and guess what?”

“He apologized?” Mom asked.

“Bingo.” I took another bite and spoke with my mouth full because it was just my family. “We buried the hatchet and said we would start over. But it was nice to get that vindication from him because he honestly made my life a living hell. He was so arrogant, but I think it was just misdirected passion.”

Dad didn’t participate in the conversation even though he always had something to say about Atlas. But now, he just ate his food in silence.

“Dad?” I looked at him, expecting some kind of feedback because all I ever got was praise.

“Yes, sweetheart?” he asked as he wiped his fingers on a napkin.

“I just thought you would have more to say.”

He finished chewing his bite, taking a long time to say something, as always. “I’m glad you two have resolved your differences. I think each of you experienced a version of the other that’s not found in nature. You got off on the wrong foot, and now you’re on the right one.”

“Sure, but he was still a dick.”

Dad would be the first one in my corner, the first one to bash someone who wronged me, underestimated me, but this time, he seemed neutral, like Switzerland. “He’s not a dick anymore, and that’s all that matters.”

“So, you guys are good?” Shelly had lunch with me in my office, relaxed in the corner of the couch, while I took the armchair.

“As good as we’re going to be.”

“I’m glad it was resolved with words rather than fists. We all expected a sumo match in the middle of the office.”

I laughed at the thought of me in a big diaper and matching bra. “I would have kicked his ass.”

“I don’t know…he’s pretty fit.”

“But I’m pretty fast.”

“He seems fast too. Like he could demolish a headboard pretty quick.”


She chuckled as she stabbed her fork into her salad. “Sorry, he’s hot. Tom used to look like that…then he got his dad bod. And I got my mom bod.”

“Whatever. You guys are still crazy about each other.”

“True. Now, your dad…that man has never had a dad bod in his life.”

“Yeah, but he’s crazy.”

“Your dad is crazy?” she asked incredulously.

“He gets up at the crack of dawn for his workouts and then spends the rest of the day eating obnoxious stuff, like whole grain toast with almond butter and harvest bowls…salmon burgers…cauliflower tacos.”

“You mean he’s a pescatarian.”

“No, he’s just a health nut.”

“Well, it works. I can tell you that much.”

I made a disgusted face. “Okay, just gonna sidestep that.”

“So, how did that date go last night?”

“Date? I didn’t have a date.”

“Yesterday, you said you were seeing some guy named Hunter.”

“Honey, that wasn’t a date,” I said with a smug grin. “That was just a good ol’-fashioned booty call.”

“Ah, to be young.”

“You’re young.”

“Not in my twenties, young. I’m a mom with young kids, young.”

I grabbed my burrito and took a bite before I dunked my chips into the salsa.

“How do you eat like that all the time and still look like that?”

“Psh, beats me.”

She chuckled.

“I’m sure it’ll catch up to me soon. But until then, I’m gonna eat everything I can.”

“Good philosophy.” She closed up her salad tray and grabbed her things. “Well, I should get back to work. Those cases aren’t going to crack themselves.”

“See you later, girl.”

She walked out and headed back to her office.

I continued to eat my burrito, directing my gaze to the wall.

A moment later, the door opened again. “Got a minute?”

I’d just taken an oversized bite of my burrito, so I covered my mouth as my teeth tried to get a grip on the enormous piece of steak covered in avocado, along with the crispy French fries. “Uh-huh.”

“I can come back if you want to finish your lunch.”

I shook my head, chewing quickly, and then pointed at the couch beside me. I spotted those folders in his hands and knew exactly what they were. I didn’t want last pick of the pile.