I got to lie there and watch his beautiful body tighten and move, the lines of definition more pronounced, like this was a heavy session at the gym. The kisses were over because there was no available energy for it. His entire focus was on me, driving his dick deep and hard, hitting me in the perfect spot over and over.

I didn’t even see it coming because it happened so fast. A flush of heat hit me, my toes curling until they ached, and I let out a moan louder than before because it was a climax better than the last.

“Fuck…” It was so good.

He kept the pace until I fully finished then let himself go, eyes locked on mine as he filled the condom, letting a quiet moan escape his lips.

My hands trailed down his body as he caught his breath, as he kept his softening dick inside me.

With a flushed face and shiny sweat all over his hot-as-fuck body, he said, “We good?”

All I had to do was lie there and enjoy it, but I was the one who was speechless. I gave a nod.

“That’s what I thought.”

When I went into the office the next day, I was actually a little bit nervous.

And I was never nervous.

My stomach was tight, and my heartbeat was irregular. Up, down, up. It was all over the place.

I entered the office space, checked in with my assistant, Alyssa, and then went into my office.

Atlas passed by the glass windows, his muscular frame unmistakable, his mind focused on work.

I sat down and opened the folder he’d left, looking through it for the first time. His notes were different from what I was accustomed to, but I could follow what he was saying. He drew thought bubbles that branched out to other symptoms, along with various explanations for each. When each symptom had the same diagnosis, he knew he’d found his answer. It was a glimpse into his mind—which was complicated.

I grew fascinated and continued to read.

A moment later, my office door opened. “Did you check my folder?” Atlas was all business and no play, storming into my office like the boss he was. When he had a lot on his plate, he dropped civility altogether and just got straight to the point.

“I’m looking at it now.”

“I know he already had those tests done at Mayo, but I think they need to be repeated because there is no other conclusion to draw.”

“Wouldn’t hurt.”

“If they come back negative, we go to the Network.”


He headed out.


He turned back to me, one hand on the door.

“Are we members of the Network?”

He continued his stare like he didn’t understand the question.

“Other people pose questions, right? Can we receive them?”

“I get them and respond if I have input.”

“Can the rest of us be included?”

“I represent the clinic—”

“But we’re eight other different minds with different specialties.”

He kept his hand on the door, considering the request. “Alright. I’ll set it up.”


He shut the door and left—like we didn’t just fuck hard last night.

At the end of the day, I went into his office. “You got a minute?”

“Yeah.” He finished typing on his computer, his eyes on the screen.

I helped myself to the armchair and crossed my legs.

His eyes reflected the light of the screen, and the glow highlighted the masculine angles of his face. His dark eyes seemed even darker in the light. He moved his fingers over his lips as he read over what he’d just written, absent-mindedly touching them as he remained deep in thought. Then he sent it off and gave me his full attention.

“I’ve got good news.” I slid the folder across the surface toward him. “You were right.”

He opened it and looked over the labs he’d requested to repeat. A smile moved on to his lips. “Awesome.”

He was right a lot of the time, and that made me admire him in a way I didn’t before. He had a lot of projects going at once, but he never dropped the ball at work. This was all I did, besides my poker tournaments, and sometimes it felt like too much. “I already moved forward with the next steps.”

He closed the folder and set it off to the side. “This is the kind of collaboration I wanted when I came here. I’ve recorded the number of cases we’ve cracked compared to what you guys were doing before I took over for Dylan. We’re up by twenty-five percent.”

“Wow. But we were already doing collaboration before.”

He stared at me.

“That twenty-five percent is because of you.”

He shrugged it off. “We’re making progress. That’s all that matters.”

“You still intend to grow the facility?”

“Absolutely. Just need to spend some time in the trenches first before I take that on.”

I nodded in agreement, appreciating the fact that he wanted to take it slow—not move as fast as he could and cause things to break apart.