Not giving me a chance to respond, Jane turns around and sashays her ass to the restroom, ignoring all the rowdy bikers throwing catcalls her way. Somehow, even though she just fucked me in a room full of bikers, the woman still manages to hold up her head with a sort of class I’m not sure any other broad could pull off.

Jane might think I’m one hell of a catch, but the thought goes both ways. Whoever lands Jane Jackson one day will be one lucky motherfucker. In another time, another place, maybe we could have been more, but she’s not it for the long run with me.

Hell, I’m starting to wonder if there is a woman out there who has what it takes to be in it for the long run with me. Not that I want an ol’ lady, but as the saying goes, never say never.


In the two days Suzie has been here, her behavior has gone from strange to downright paranoia. When I got home last night, she had the deadbolt secured, the chain in place, and she had even set my alarm while she was inside. I mean, sure, I have the at-home feature where the alarm is on, but I can move around the house freely without tripping it. If someone were to set off the window settings or I pushed my panic button, the alarm is ready to go off to emergency services, but who actually uses it? Not me … ever.

My sister knows how in-depth my security system is, so what is going through her head that she feels she needs that kind of protection?

Typically, when we visit, we stay up late into the night, talking, but not this trip. Also, we have been sleeping in, which is unusual for my sister. It is her vacation, though, so I try hard not to over-think it. She has kept to herself except the first night we went out.

She’s got me worried, and I’m going to try to stick as close to her as I can while she’s here with me in an attempt to figure her out. My inner Nancy Drew wants to come out and play investigator.

When I hear her come out of the guest room and move into the kitchen, I make my way out to join her. At my movement, she jumps.

Grabbing her chest, she looks at me in sheer panic. “What the hell are you doin’? You should be at work.”

“I didn’t mean to startle you. I took the day off so we could go out.” The club is good to me, so calling off my sessions today was no big deal.

Immediately, her face pales. “I’m not feeling well. Go to work. I’ll stay in and rest.”

“Then I’ll stay in and make you soup.”

She crosses her arms over her chest as if she is annoyed with me, but I can see her hands trembling. “Dammit, Des! I said go to work. I’m not going anywhere, and you don’t have to babysit me. I’m not a kid anymore. I can take care of myself.”

I take a step back as her words assault me. I am right. Something is definitely wrong. This is not my sister in front of me. This is a pale, scared imitation of her.

“What’s going on, Suzie?”

She huffs angrily. “I came here for a break. Is that not allowed?”

As sisters, we have fought before, but I can’t help the feeling that it is not me she’s trying to fight here.

I throw my hand up in the air in disbelief. “Slow down, sister. What is really happening here?”

I watch her eyes glass over in unshed tears before she takes a deep breath, pushing it all back, her features closing down as she masks every emotion. “Drop it, Des. I’m here for a few more days. Let me relax while I can. The less you know, the better.”

Frustration builds inside me and hurt consumes me. How can she shut me out? Me! Her flesh and blood. I feel like there is a gulf between us that is slowly getting wider and wider with every panicked breath she breathes and every denial she gives me. However, we have never had secrets between us, and I’m not about to start now.

“Suzie Sunshine,” I try using her childhood pet name to reconnect. “Don’t—”

“Don’t you!” she cries out, making her way to the guest room. “Drop it, Des. For your safety and mine, please drop it.”

Before I can follow her, she shuts the door, and I hear the click of the lock.

I’m left at yet another loss with her. What do I do now?

My mind races with unanswered questions. Is she in danger? She mentioned safety. Did someone follow her here? Does she understand that the Hellions would help her, protect her if I asked? What has baby girl gotten herself into?