I laugh at her. “Then please tell me you brought the cookies.”

She smiles. “Yes, I brought the cookies, and thanks to you, I had to let Ice into the cookie jar.” She gives me a wink, and we all laugh.

“Because that was such a sacrifice,” Paisley adds dramatically.

We settle in for cookies, popcorn—which I quickly made—and Paisley’s vegetables as we watch our movie.

I can’t help thinking about what Morgan said. Living with a biker. It just takes me to a time when Ethan and I were actually together, just a blip on the radar of life, one of the few memories of the short time I had with him.

“Actions speak louder than words,” I hear him say in my mind.

His actions have shown me I never would have gotten the words from him. He let me go. Sure, I understand he did it because, in his mind, he failed me. I stay here in the hopes that he will see my actions show I stand behind him.

Only, in this moment, with my friends here and a sappy movie on TV, I can’t help wondering if it was all for nothing.

Will I ever have a chance for a happily ever after of my own?




“Tank,” he answers on the third ring.

“Hammer here,” I inform him then blow out a breath.

“I’ve got nothin’ to say to you. Our clubs are settled according to Ice. My ol’ lady just spoke to Des. I know she’s good. Why in the hell are you calling me?”

He is an asshole. Then again, if it were the other way around, I would be an ass, too. “I called to let you know I’m making my play.”

“Oh,” he says with a sharp tone. “I see someone has decided to pull their head outta their ass.”

“Everyone keeps saying that shit to me, and I’m getting tired of it.”

“Get over it,” Tank snaps without hesitation. “What the fuck does your play have to do with me?”

“Des listens to you and trusts you.”

He laughs at me, and I want to punch something.

“You made your mess; you clean it up. She stayed there for you and because of you. It’s on you to make that shit right.” He pauses. “I’m not here to help you. I’m not here to sugarcoat shit. You fucked up. I’m just gonna say if, and I mean if, she gives you a second chance”—he again pauses—“and you fuck that up, I’ll take that shit personally. And personally, I’ll come looking for you.”

I don’t take threats lightly or well. I understand she means a lot to him, but fuck that and fuck him.

“Bring it the fuck on.”

“I hope you’ll see what you’ve got waitin’ there for you, and I hope you’ll see that I’m hopin’ I don’t have to.” He pauses, and I let his words sink in. “But I will. Always remember, she’s got the Hellions at her back.” He disconnects the call.

I know he’s giving me a pass for letting her go, and I won’t be given that pass again.

Now, if only I can get the same from the one woman who loves to bust my balls.

Looking at the clock, I see it’s just after two in the afternoon. Des will still be at Flex for the next thirty minutes until she gets off shift. It’s time I nut up and act like a man again.

Leaving my place, I hop on my motorcycle and roar out of the parking garage. I need to get to the gym before she leaves, because if she makes it to her place before I can get her, she might shut me out and refuse to open the door. Surprising her at work removes that as an option.

In a few minutes, I’m parking my bike just down the street from her gym. I could park right in front of it, but I don’t want her to hear my bike and get suspicious for any reason. The plan is a sneak attack. Once I get her alone, she can yell and scream at me all she wants. Until I can secure her at my place, I don’t want to give her the chance to tell me no.

Maybe it’s not the brightest idea to kidnap a woman who has been kidnapped before, but I’m desperate enough to do it.

Striding quickly to the front door, I barge in and immediately start glancing around the open area behind the desk for my woman. The redhead at the counter tries to greet me, but I ignore her completely.

There aren’t many people in the gym, so I think that will work to my advantage. It’s fewer people for her to hide behind and fewer people who might stop me.

In the back corner, shaking hands with a Latin beauty who could totally work at After Midnight, is Desirae in a bright yellow tank top and black workout shorts. She looks like a fucking bumblebee.