Coal looks over at Ice. “We’ll need the silencers this time, boss.” Looking toward Screech, he then asks, “Can you hack into that precinct’s server and find out their patrol schedule and route for the area?”

“On it now, kemosabe.”

I see Coal’s left eye twitch in irritation, but he doesn’t berate our computer genius for calling him the nickname he hates like he usually does. Screech is lucky we are trying to load up and roll out of here as fast as possible, or Coal would rip him a new asshole.

Speaking of rolling out, I need to strap on more than just my Glock. There is no way in hell I want to show up and not have enough ammunition.

I’m moving to gear up with my brothers when Ice stops me. “You’ve gotta sit this one out.”

“Fuck you!”

Ice is a cold asshole. I have nothing but respect for the man, both as my club president and man to man. Today, though, he has lost his fucking mind if he thinks I’m going to sit out for even one second when the safety of Des is on the line.

“Get Pretty Boy in here,” Ice barks to Coal.

I stand toe to toe with him. “My baby brother can’t do shit to stop me. Your best bet is to let me in on this so you and your team don’t get caught in my way,” I tell him sharply.

“Easy there, Hammer.” Coal steps between us. His six-foot-six height forces him to look down at me. “One might think you’re throwing down. No need for that, brother.”

Ice backs off while Coal and I have a silent stare down.

“I’m not throwing down. I’m laying it down like it’s gonna be. She’s mine. I’m gonna be there.” I look at Ice. “If it were Morgan …?”

His jaw ticks, not hiding his frustration. “Suit up, asshole.”

Damn right.

Suddenly, Screech hoots and fist pumps the air. “Calm your roars, grouchy ones. I’ve got your need-to-know.” Swiveling one of his computer screens around, he blows up the satellite image of a building. “This is the Russell Building.” He taps a few keys, and three red arrows pop up around the structure. “Those are your two doors and the fire escape, which still seems to be intact.”

Then the image zooms out a bit until our location becomes a small square with many streets surrounding it. With a few more clicks, blue lines show up all over the place, and two little Xs appear: one blue, one orange.

“Your blue X marks the spot for the law enforcement hub. The connected lines are their patrol route for the area. Your orange X is the fire station. By my calculations, if you leave within the next fifteen minutes, arrive at the Russell Building in another twenty, and secure entrance, you’ll have approximately thirty minutes before a patrol unit passes your location. In other words, blitzkrieg their bitch-asses like ninjas, rescue Hammer’s girl, and disappear like the invisible man before anyone sees you. It’s tight but doable.”

“So you think we should breach all three sides at the same time to overwhelm them?” Ice asks.

Screech nods. “I think a surprise attack as quickly as possible is your best bet of getting her out alive.”

I’m halfway to the door by the time Screech gets the last word out.

Hold on, Drill Sergeant; I’m on my way.


As I get set outside the building, my adrenaline pumps. The last mission went south for me. I feel rusty, on edge, like everything rides on this, and I damn sure won’t let her down again.

My heart beats fast but even. I clear my mind. I inhale, exhale, and wait for Ice’s signal. His hand comes up, fist held tight. Ready, steady, his finger comes up, and then he throws it forward.

Go time. Move in.

I ignore the burning pain in my hips and the trembling in my legs. Right now, I will do whatever it takes to get in there and save Desirae. Getting her to safety is the only thing that matters. I would walk through fire for this woman, across broken glass. I would do damn near anything to make sure she is breathing free air and has the chance at a happy life. That’s what you do for the people who mean the most to you.

Our steps are in unison as we roll up to the balls of our feet to keep our movements silent. Focusing on every movement, we make our way to the door like the well-oiled machine we are.

The Regulators MC, my team, my brothers are always at the ready.

At the entrance, Ice throws his arm up in a ninety-degree angle, fist showing. We stop.

I clear my mind. I inhale, exhale, and wait for the signal. Ready, steady, I listen. I watch. I wait.


“Stop lying and tell me what I want to know, bitch!” the one I now know is Ricca screams at me before he slams a fist into my ribs.