“I know, but we can’t call and shit. Don’t want there to be a trail.”

He is right. I shouldn’t have even risked the call. At this point, I don’t care if they find me, but I definitely don’t want trouble for the Hellions … or the Regulators.

“Are there any leads?”

He blows out a breath. “I wish I could share with you, but I can’t. I wish I could ease your mind, but I can’t. I can tell you that we’re looking into it and the Regulators have their resources on it. You’re safe where you are, but don’t take any unnecessary risks.”

I fight back the tears of disappointment. I know club business is club business, and I know he is trying to keep me safe, but sitting back, saying and doing nothing, is killing me inside.

“Give Red my love and tell Sass I miss her.”

“I will. She’ll be happy to know we heard from you. Where’s Hammer?”

“At his place.”

“Where the fuck are you?” he asks angrily.

“Outside for a run.”

I hear the phone move like he’s covering it. He mumbles some words then comes back to me. “Tell me you aren’t alone.”

“That would be a lie,” I say with a little more attitude than I intended.

“Get your ass back to that condo and don’t leave alone!” he roars over the line.

Anger fills me. “Don’t tell me what to do. I can take care of myself.”

“Dammit, Des, we’re trying to keep you safe. Get your ass back to Hammer’s.”

I know he is just worried and trying to do right by me, but I don’t want to be stuck to Ethan like glue. If I am around him much more, I might give into his dirty mouth and his sexy body. Regardless of my desires toward Ethan, I don’t want to have Tank worried, especially being so far away.

“I’ll go back.”

“Until we give you the all clear, you don’t go out without a Regulator at your back, Desirae. I’m serious.”

“I get you. Give everyone my hello. I miss you guys.”

“We miss you. Now take your ass back to Hammer’s.” He ends the call without a good-bye, which isn’t something he’s big on, anyway.

Walking back, I can’t help still feeling wound up. So much for a run to take the edge off.

As I round the corner of the building, I look over my shoulder to see Coal keeping a steady pace behind me. Huh, I wasn’t alone. I should have known better. I have had eyes on me the whole time. Well, Tank will be happy to learn this. Me, I just need to feel like I can breathe.

In front of the door to the stairs, I pause. The elevator would be faster, but the stairs give me a few more moments to myself. I have a job to do, and I’m going to do that. No entanglements with Ethan, business only. At the front door, I pause, holding the metal handle in my hand. Steel yourself, Desirae.




Day one: Mission is active. Nightmare engaged at approximately twenty-two hundred, and by twenty-two forty-two, target was resting comfortably. Primary target is currently asleep in my arms.

Being away from the Regulators’ day to day world for so long has me missing the action. Sure I have checked in, and I still get my cut from the businesses as well as our government black ops stuff, but I miss the focus of having a mission. I miss working together to develop a strategy to be on the winning end of the battle. Well, Drill Sergeant Bust My Balls, my new mission is winning you over.

Nothing has ever seemed to matter more to me before.

She stirs, and I squeeze her shoulders, hoping she will stay beside me. When she sits up, I sigh. Thankfully, she hasn’t put up a fight about me sleeping in here with her. Whether she’s ready to admit it or not, she needs me as much as I need her. We fit, and I’m going to show her just how much. I will be the safe place for her to fall. I will be her partner to carry her burdens. I will be here to chase every nightmare away.

“It’s time to start the day, Ethan.” Her eyes show the determination not to give in to this attraction between us as she pushes off and scurries away to the bathroom. I know she’s using it to hide from me, and it only pushes me harder.

Instead of giving her space, I get up, making my way to the kitchen to beat her to her secondary escape. A few minutes later, she enters the kitchen, the surprise on her face evident.

“Good morning, sunshine.”

Even though I am stiff, I fight back the pain as I move around. My legs burn, but I need her to see me as a whole man who is able to be strong for her.