Vaguely, I make out the noise of someone flopping onto his king-sized bed. It’s been too long since I have been with a man. It’s been too long since I have had time to take care of my own needs.

As I listen to Hammer with a woman in the other room, my mind wanders. I picture myself sprawled out, naked in front of him, spread eagle on those soft-looking, black sheets. The sensation of the fabric against my ass as I run my fingers down to my pussy. While Hammer sits back, I give him a show, making him growl in desire.

I hear her laugh, and it takes me back to the moment.

“I’ll stroke you,” she says seductively.

“No,” Hammer barks out. “I’ll get myself there.”

I fight back my laugh. Alcohol can cause erectile dysfunction.

I can hear movement, and when I listen closely, I make out the sound of sucking and slurping. Hammer groans his satisfaction, and it disturbs me that his groan hits me straight in my aching core.

I close my eyes and imagine taking in his length. I would cup his balls as I took him all the way.

“Desirae, harder, baby.”

Hammer calling my name takes me out of my fantasy.

“You talk about bustin’ my balls. Well, baby, tug ’em … shit.”

She releases him with a popping sound. “I’m not Desirae.”

“What?” Hammer asks, his voice in a daze.

“I said, I’m not Desirae.” She huffs before laughing. “My name’s Tina, remember? Hell, Hammer, you’ve got it bad. You think of some broad tugging your balls and call out her name, hard as hell. Then you come to, and you get limp dick problems.”

I hear the sounds of her moving over him.

“Fuck you!” he roars.

“Don’t get so worked up. I’m glad to see someone finally tamed the bear inside you.”

“Get. The. Fuck. Out. Now!”

She whimpers, but I guess she finally takes him at his word since I start to hear the shuffle of her feet on his floor.

“No problem. Seriously, you should tell this chick how she’s got you all twisted up. She’ll be better company than that bottle you’re drowning in.” With that, I hear her move out of the room.

I’m frozen in place. Part of me is mad as hell, and the other part of me is happy he’s as fucked up over me as I am over him. I don’t know what to do next. I’m just glad to know I’m not alone in my feelings. Now the question is, how do I get out of the bathroom? Do I reveal myself? What if he wheels in here, anyway? What am I going to do?

Dread spreads through me as I think of the hundred different ways that him rolling in his bathroom to find me could go badly for us. There are just some things a woman doesn’t want to explain to a man. Listening to him make out with another woman is one … and why you are cleaning his bathroom past midnight to burn off some steam is another.




What the fuck is wrong with me? One kiss and now she has me by the balls. My situation keeps going from bad to worse. Rolling over to my back, I stare blankly at the ceiling.

After the kiss with Desirae and her running away, I called Ethan and him pick me up and take me to the club. Tina was there. She promised my brother she would give me a ride since I was drinking. Everything is fuzzy. I know I was going to fuck her. The plan was to fuck her to get Desirae out of my mind. Only, once she started sucking my dick, then she wasn’t Tina. She was Desirae in my mind. Then she was Tina again, and after remembering how Desirae tasted when we kissed, no one else would do.

My stomach churns as I try to process my night. I’m pissed off that I want her so fucking badly, yet she can resist me.

I want another drink.

I need another drink.

The burn of the alcohol would be a welcome reprieve from the burning in my nuts for Desirae.

I close my eyes, think of her, and my dick comes to life. The ache that is a constantly down my legs disappears as my body aches to be connected to her. My sweats pop up into a healthy tent, causing me to slide them down and give myself room to breathe.

Gripping my length, I slide my rough hands up and down, wishing they were the firm but delicate hands of my physical therapist. I stroke harder and faster then stop at the sound of steady mewling coming from my bathroom.

Dammit to hell. I can’t move without making noise. She wouldn’t dare be in there, would she?

Closing out the world and tuning myself just to her, I can take in her heavy breathing. She’s panting. Why?