“What the fuck are you talkin’ about?”

“Morgan missed too much time at work. They replaced her. She’s been applying for jobs, but hasn’t found anything. She doesn’t have much left in her savings account, and Madyson isn’t ready to work. She already dropped out of school for this year. They don’t have anywhere to go but back home. At least, until Morgan can get a job. And that is if their parents will even let them come back.”

“Stay here. I’ll be back,” I order, walking out the door and straight to my bike.

Waiting is not my strong suit. For her, I will wait; for this, I will not.

In my impatience, I make a call to my in-house tech geek for her location. Screech lets me know she seems to be en route to her condo.

Yes, I am still tracking her phone. I have no intention of stopping, either.

Pulling up to her place, I don’t see her car in the parking lot, but I know she can’t be far behind me. That’s okay; I have something I want to take care of before she gets here anyway.

After I accomplish my short mission, I head back to my bike, leaning against it until I see Morgan’s little car pull in and park. I am not waiting very long when she walks up carrying a duffle bag of her belongings.

“Ice,” she greets, studying me curiously. “I wasn’t expecting you here. You didn’t have to wait around for me. You know my number; why didn’t you call?”

“I didn’t want to be expected, and I didn’t want to call. Where’s Madyson?” I clip out.

“At Coal’s, packing our toiletries and the last of the clothes,” she answers uncertainly.

I can tell she is picking up on my anger and is confused as to why I am in the mood that I am in. She bites her bottom lip, and as cute as it is, it does nothing to curb the ire building in me. She is walking to her doorstep as I continue on alongside her.

She is still trying to figure me out when she hesitantly adds, “I told you not to come. We don’t need more help. You all have done so much. I’ll never be able to repay you for what you’ve done for us.”

Taking the bag from her arm, I move aside for her to unlock the front door. As soon as we enter, I start the inquisition.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” I ask, shutting and locking the door behind us.

“Tell you what?”

Facing her, I bark back, “Your job. Your living arrangements. Your financial situation. Why didn’t you tell me?”

She takes the bag from me with no response. Making her way down the hall, she carries it to her bedroom as if she is running from me. I snort. Like I am going to let her run from me this time. My woman is about to learn some hard lessons. As in, you do not hide your problems from your man.

“It’s not your problem; it’s mine. You know, take responsibility and all that,” she fires back. I can tell she is unnerved by the way I am dogging her heels, unwilling to let her ignore me.

She moves to her closet, only I grab her wrist and tug her to me. As she stumbles, I pull her against me tightly. Wrapping my arm around her waist, I cup her ass with my large hand and squeeze. Then, with my free hand, I cup her chin and tilt her head back to look at me.

“Sweetheart, you’re playin’ with fire. That mouth of yours is gonna get you in trouble.”

Her eyes dance in challenge, turning me on more.

“This isn’t your concern,” she whispers as her breathing picks up. Yes, I am driving her as crazy as she is me.

“Everything about you is my concern.”

“I promised Madyson it’s only temporary until I can get a new job. We can help Mallory this way, too. Being with her we can all work together to get out again. I don’t even know if my parents will let us come back; again, it’s not your problem.”


“What do you mean, no? Ice, this isn’t for you to decide.”

Damn, it makes me hard when she gets feisty. I am about to piss her off a whole lot more, too.

“Rent’s paid up for the rest of the year. Took care of that when I first got here.”

“I can’t let you do that!” she shrieks in frustration.

“Already done.”

“I still have to pay utilities and food. Madyson is having anxiety issues and needs her medication. I need to go home until I have a job again. Paying my rent doesn’t fix my problems, Ice; it just puts a temporary band-aid on them.”

“Fine. You work for me. You got a job, you got a place, and the rent is paid. Next problem.”