“Okay, I know, I know. Slow down. I’m the pregnant one, you psycho.”

She glared at me. “You’re my best friend, Sam. You’re the only person that gives a shit about me in this whole world. I’m not too excited at the prospect of raising a baby with you.”

I barked a laugh. The idea of Nessa, the girl too squeamish to touch a pregnancy test, raising a baby and changing a diaper was almost too absurd.

“You’re not doing anything,” I said.

“Oh, please, what else are you going to do? Marry the poor fucker that shot his load up inside of you?”

I turned pink and glared at her. “Can you stop being a dick for once?”

“Fine, okay, fine.” She sucked in a breath and stopped pacing. “Who’s the guy?”

“I don’t really know him,” I admitted, staring down at my hands. “His name’s Matteo. I met him at one of those Healy parties. You know, the fancy ones.”

“You went to one of the fucking orgies?” She practically screamed it.

“Shut up,” I hissed. “Can you just be quiet?”

“You got pregnant at a goddamn Healy orgy! How do you even know he’s the dad? Weren’t you, like, crawling in dicks? And what the hell were you thinking, going to something like that? Aren’t you related to half the guys there?”

“No, I wasn’t related to anyone there,” I said sharply. “Oh my god, stop. It was for the lieutenants and crap, not for the core family, and I don’t know why I went, I was curious, okay? I’d heard about them and I just—I wanted to see for myself.” I didn’t add that I’d been incredibly lonely and depressed, and that living with my father was like a waking nightmare. “I didn’t join the orgy. I just had a one-night stand with that guy, and that’s all. I fucked up my birth control and here I am, knocked up and about to be very, very dead. So can you please be supportive?”

The tears burst out finally. I’d been waiting for them. Nessa made comforting noises and hugged me as I cried against her and I felt like such a moron, but I couldn’t hold it back. I was dead, so dead, so freaking dead.

“It’ll be okay,” Nessa said softly. “You said his name’s Matteo? That’s a nice name. What’s he like?”

“He was nice,” I said, wiping my eyes.

“Of course. He was fucking you, so—” She stopped when she caught my glare. “Sorry, sorry. Do you know what he looks like?”

“I don’t have his number. But I got a selfie with him.”

“Show me.”

I took out my phone and went through my photos. The picture was a little blurry, the lighting not great, and I had some major sex hair, but Matteo looked perfect with his crooked smile and straight, white teeth.

Nessa’s eyes went wide. “Holy fucking virgin birth, I know that boy.”

“Excuse me?”

She snatched the phone and zoomed in on his face. “I know him. He drinks at McCloud’s over there.” She pointed in its general direction like that helped. “I’ve seen him a few times. Hard not to notice him. Big fella, real handsome.” She stared at me, eyes wide. “And you fucked him?”

“Give me the phone back, Nessa.”

She handed it over. “Just saying, wow. Big score. I’m actually impressed. Aside from the baby, it’s amazing.”

“Great, thanks, glad I got your approval.” I stood up and walked toward the slides. “You know where he hangs out then?”

“McCloud’s,” she said again. “I can bring you there. I swear, he goes like every night. The guy’s a regular.”

I stood next to the swirly slide and stared at the plastic for a minute, trying to think. I didn’t know this guy, but I loved my night with him. We both agreed to keep it to that night though, but that was before I got pregnant. He’d want to know, and maybe he could help me—or maybe he’d scream in my face, call me a whore, and tell my dad that I was a dirty slut and tricked him into it or something.

But no, that wasn’t the Matteo I met and slept with. I didn’t think he’d do that, although Nessa’s comment rang in my ears. Of course he was nice, he was fucking me.

I dug my fingers into the slide then relaxed and looked back at Nessa. She was watching me with a massive frown on her face, clearly almost as scared as I felt.

“I want to see him,” I said. “When can we go?”

“Tonight. Shit, right now. Go home and get changed.”

“I’m not trying to sleep with him again.”

“Yeah, well, you’re about to tell him that you’re pregnant, so you might as well look hot while you do it. Who knows, maybe he’ll help you or something?”

I rolled my eyes but she had a point. “All right, fine. Meet back here in a half hour.”