She gave me a shrug and fell backwards. “I wasn’t done with you, so don’t be long. I figure, if I’m having a one-night stand, I’m having an all-night stand.”

I laughed and admired her before I stepped back into the hallway.

The orgy was still going strong downstairs, but it was definitely later and quieter. There were fewer voices in the party now, and I guessed some of the guests had left. One of the two doors was open, and I stuck my head inside: no Cullen and no sign of him.

I considered the closed door. Could be him, or could be someone else. I hesitated with my hand on the doorknob then stifled a groan. I’d left the fucking silencer in the room.

No time to go back for it. Sam wouldn’t let me leave again and I doubted I’d be able to walk out a second time, not when she was naked and wanting more.

One shot then I’d run. That was my only plan. Out a window maybe, or right down through the orgy. They were too busy fucking anyway.

I gripped the gun, turned the knob, and shoved the door open.

A couple moved under the sheets. The room was dark, almost black. I hustled forward as a face popped out from beneath the sheets.

“Private party,” the guy said. “Fuck off, asshole.”

Not Cullen. Definitely not Cullen. The guy was bald and old, at least in his fifties. The girl beneath him stared at me with an almost bored expression.

“My mistake.” I tucked the gun away.

“Prick,” the guy said, then went back to fucking his girl.

I slipped out of the room and shut the door behind me.

“Shit.” I leaned my head against the door.

Cullen was gone. Maybe he was downstairs—but that wouldn’t matter. I couldn’t exactly kill him in a room full of Healy people anyway.

I had my chance, and I missed it.

I looked toward the shut door at the end of the hall. I could leave, go home and get back to planning on what I’d do next. I killed Sean for this shit, and he was a good informant, even if he didn’t realize I was using him for information.

I blew my chance, blew it to hell.

Or I could go back into that room, forget about Cullen, and let myself be with that gorgeous girl.

The choice was obvious. Cullen was gone and my mission was fucked, so I might as well enjoy the night.

I snuck into the bathroom, hid the gun under the sink behind a mountain of toilet paper, then went back into the room.

Sam was kneeling on the bed looking back at me with a coy little smile. Her skin glistened with drying sweat and she looked shy, uncertain, and absolutely perfect.

“Everything okay?” she asked.

“All good.”

“You didn’t come back with drinks.”

I hesitated then laughed. “The orgy’s in full swing,” I said, shrugging. “Didn’t want to wade through the mess.”

“I wasn’t thirsty anyway.” She walked toward me. “Look, I really don’t do stuff like this, okay?”

“Okay,” I said, and I honestly believed her.

“We’re having one night. That’s all, one night, and then nothing else.”

“One night,” I repeated.

“And nothing else.” She reached out for me and I went to her. She began to unbutton my shirt again. “But for tonight, we might as well enjoy it, right? I mean, we’ve already come this far.”

“Listen to you.” I smirked and teased her lower lip with my thumb. She took it into her mouth and sucked it slowly. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d guess that you want me to make you moan like you’ve never come before in your life.”

She pulled back. “Make me scream, if you can.”

“I’ll certainly try.”

And with that, I pushed her back onto the bed, and after about a half hour of teasing, I achieved my goal—more than once.



I sat alone in the bathroom at my dad’s house and stared at the pregnancy test on the sink. The wallpaper was blue and peeling at the corners, and a fuzzy yellow toilet seat cover itched under my thighs. The room hadn’t been updated since the eighties, and since my mom died giving birth to me and my dad didn’t care about decor, I doubted it ever would.

The pregnancy test stared right back.

I couldn’t be pregnant. Or at least I shouldn’t be pregnant.

I covered my face in my hands and tried not to cry.

My entire life so far, I tried to do what was right. I followed the rules, I did well in school, I didn’t have many boyfriends, I kept my nose clean. I did a couple years in college and got an associate’s degree, which was better than anyone else in my family ever did, and I tried not to let the Healy family suck me down into their insanity.

I did everything right. Except one week, I messed up my birth control, went to an orgy, and slept with the most gorgeous stranger I’d ever met.