“That’s why I want you to convince them that this is real, and that the Valentino family wants to make peace.”

Her eyes widened. “You’re kidding, right?”

“Hear me out,” I said, putting a hand on her knee. “Listen for one second before you flip.”

She sucked in a breath then let it out. “All right, fine. Go ahead, tell me whatever crazy plan you cooked up.”

I smiled tightly and started talking. I explained it all to her, starting with the meeting in that bar with Colm and right up through the wedding. “So if we can get people to understand that Colm’s lying about wanting to negotiate peace, then maybe the family can pressure him into it anyway.”

Nessa stood up and paced across the living room, shaking her head. “I can’t believe that Colm’s been lying this whole time.”

“I swear it’s true,” I said. “Why else would he bring Shaun? You know that guy’s an asshole.”

“That’s true,” Nessa said, snorting. “God, he’s a douchebag. One time we were at the pool and he shoved me into the water and called me a whale. I spilled a Coke over his head later and kicked him in the balls, the little prick.”

“Nessa,” I said.

“Sorry.” She stopped pacing. “All right, I’ll assume everything you said is true, which means Colm is a lying bastard. What can I do about it?”

“Tell everyone about you coming here,” I said. “Tell them the truth about Colm, or at least try to convince them that I’m not abandoning the family. Colm’s the real problem, he’s the one standing in the way of peace, and if we can loosen his hold on power then maybe we can break him down completely.”

Nessa chewed on her lip for a second, arms crossed. “Wouldn’t that put me in danger, though?” she asked.

I looked over her shoulder as Matteo walked into the room. I felt a surge of delight as he came toward us and I climbed to my feet.

“You will be in danger,” Matte said, answering her question, “but I promise we’ll do what we can to protect you.”

Nessa spun around and gaped at him. Matteo tilted his head and smiled, running a hand through his thick hair. He wore a tight shirt and a pair of simple jeans, and the outfit managed to show off his athletic body perfectly.

“You’re the husband,” she said finally.

“Nice to meet you officially,” Matteo said. “Sam talks a lot about you.” He shook her hand and she glanced back at me, grinning.

“Matteo’s on board with everything,” I said, walking toward them. “And he’s got the Don’s approval. That’s why we’re staying here.”

“I just don’t know,” Nessa said, pacing away, shaking her head. “Even if you can protect me, and no offense, but I sorta think that’s bullshit, but even if you can, I’ll still be in trouble with everyone. Nobody speaks out against Colm.”

“You don’t have to,” Matteo said. “That’s the beauty. You don’t have to call him a liar, only convince people that we’re for real. We can do the rest.”

“I know this is a big ask,” I said. “But Nessa, please. You want this war to end, don’t you?”

“Of course I do,” she said. “But I’m not brave. I don’t do stuff like this. I just, I keep my head down, okay? I get by, I don’t get involved.”

“That’s what I thought about myself too,” I said quietly. For so long I was a good, obedient little Healy woman, doing whatever my father told me to do and taking orders. I was going to marry whoever the family wanted me to marry, and do whatever I could for the family. I’d cook, clean, get a job, raise babies, organize playdates, set up doctor visits, all that stuff, and I’d do it with a smile.

Until I met Matteo. Or maybe before that, up until I decided to go to that party because I felt trapped and stifled and wanted to see what the world could be like outside of the tiny confines of my immediate existence. I went to that weird sex orgy party to expand myself, and I succeeded in that at least.

“You have him to help,” Nessa said, gesturing to Matteo. “I’ve got nothing.”

“You have me,” I said. “And Matteo will help too. You’re stronger than you realize, Nessa. You just have to try.”

She groaned and rubbed her face with both hands. “I’m going to get killed, you know.”

“No, you’re not.”

“Yes, I totally am. Colm’s going to break into my house and shoot me in the stupid face. And honestly, Sam? I’ll deserve it for listening to you.”

I grinned and walked toward her. “Does that mean you’ll do it?”

“Of course I’ll freaking do it,” she said angrily. “What, you think I’m going to let you down twice?”

I hugged her tight. She sighed and hugged me back.