This was my chance. I could make some excuse, maybe say I had to use the bathroom or something lame as hell, and ditch her. I could shut the door and lock it from the outside, or just tell her to wait for me and never come back.

Cullen was close. I had my gun tucked up against the small of my back and a silencer in my jacket pocket. I could slip into one of those rooms and put a bullet in him and be done with this whole fucking game.

Except Sam turned back to me, one arm crossed under her breasts grasping onto her opposite elbow, and she tilted her head, lips parted slightly.

“What’s the matter?” she asked, and the anxiety in her tone killed me—and decided it.

I stepped in after her and shut the door. “Nothing’s wrong. Just looking at you. Admiring you.”

Her cheeks turned red. “I don’t do stuff like this,” she said. I put my champagne glass down on an end table and walked to her. “Really, I never do this. I mean, I don’t even know you. Matteo, right? I think it’s the wine and maybe the sex downstairs, I mean, it’s weird and a little gross, but I guess it got to me, you know?” I took the wine glass from her hand.

“You’re rambling.”

“Sorry.” She bit her lip.

“Don’t be. It’s cute. I like that you’re nervous.”

I put the glass down next to mine.

“What am I nervous for, exactly?” she asked, staring at me.

I closed the distance between us and gently touched her cheek with my right hand before I leaned down and kissed her.

The first kiss, the most basic test of all. If it wasn’t right, it wasn’t right—and I’d get out of there and do my job. I almost wanted her to taste wrong, or her lips to feel off, or something to just not mesh right. I wanted it to be a turn-off. I wanted it to break the moment.

The spark was there, damn it. Her lips were full and tasted like cherries, and her tongue was like silk against mine. She sucked in a breath through her nose and I pulled her tighter against me. I hadn’t realized how small she was—tiny almost in my arms. I moved back to grip her thick red hair and tightened my fist in it, pulling her head back as I kissed her neck.

I should’ve stopped and walked away.

I had a mission. Cullen was my target, not this girl. Not this Sam.

Instead, my hand moved down her hips as I kissed her again, and this time she responded by grabbing at my shirt and tugging it out of my slacks. I let out a soft grunt of pleasure as she unbuckled my belt, opened it, then started on my shirt.

I let my jacket fall down to the floor. It hit the carpet with a soft thud and I hoped she hadn’t noticed. I’d forgotten about the silencer.

But she didn’t say a word. I moved her back to the bed as I pulled the gun from my pants and dropped it down on top of my jacket. It hit without a sound.

I kissed her at the foot of the bed as my fingers moved up her dress until I found the zipper in the back. I slowly pulled it down and she let out a soft gasp of pleasure as I pulled the dress forward, then stepped back.

It dropped down like a puddle at her feet.

I stared at her as I unbuttoned my shirt. She blushed at me and looked away, then met my eyes.

She was incredible. Better than I could’ve guessed. Full, pert breasts covered by a lacy black bra and a pair of lacy black panties to match. She chewed her lip as I took off my shirt, and enjoyed the way she looked hungrily at my chest and my stomach and my muscular arms.

I dropped my shirt on top of the gun, making sure it was covered.

“You came prepared.” I stared at her matching bra and panties.

“I just always look like this,” she said, her confident little smile back.

“Turn around.”

She hesitated, then obeyed. I loved a woman that obeyed. I looked at her tight, perky ass, and felt my cock strain against my underwear. I took off my slacks and kicked them aside before I pressed myself against the back of her, my cock against her ass, my hands on her breasts. I kissed her over her shoulder then unhooked her bra and teased her hard nipples. I turned her again, kissed her neck, her collarbone, her chest, licked a nipple in circles, then hefted her up into the air.

She kissed me wildly, all her shy hesitation gone. I dropped her down onto the bed and pinned her to it, sliding one hand down the front of her panties while the other held her wrists up above her head. She moaned as my fingers moved along her soaking wet, slick pussy, and I knew she’d wanted this since the moment she spotted me downstairs.