“If West Philly’s all scraps, why do you think I’d be happy with that?” Colm asked. “My family’s gaining strength all the time. You really think we’d stop and be happy with scraps?”

“I think you’re lying to yourself if you think you’re getting stronger. Your recruitment’s slowing and you can’t reproduce fast enough to replace every cousin and uncle we kill.”

Colm narrowed his eyes but said nothing. I took a long pull from my whiskey and felt Sam shift beside me, uncomfortable and trying not to look at her uncle. I could only guess what was going on inside of her right in that moment, and it couldn’t have been good. Her uncle acted as though nothing strange was happening, but I could feel the tension beneath everything. The Healys cared about family above anything else, and I knew that Sam getting pregnant by a Valentino must’ve been tearing Colm and Shaun to pieces.

“You Valentinos have always been spoiled and arrogant,” Colm said, nodding to himself. Shaun grinned viciously like he was excited for a fight. “You run this city like you’ll always be in power. But there was a time when you were nothing, and another family held sway, and there will be a time when all of you are gone. Don’t pretend like the Valentinos are forever.”

“I’m only thinking about right now,” I said, meeting his eye. “Sam and I are going to get married. If you bless that—”

Colm recoiled like I’d slapped him. Shaun’s mouth fell open, gaping at me. “You’re doing what?” Colm snapped.

“Getting married,” I said. “That baby inside of her needs a father, and I’m not the kind of man to walk away from my responsibility.”

“You’re going to marry this Valentino bastard?” Colm asked, staring at his niece.

Sam didn’t move. She spun the glass of Coke around in circles, watching the ice press against the glass.

“Answer him, bitch,” Shaun said.

I glared at the lieutenant. “Talk to her again like that, and I don’t give a fuck if I make this war even worse.”

Shaun showed his teeth like an ape ready to go to war.

“Enough,” Colm said, taking a deep breath. “I won’t bless a marriage between you two, and I don’t want peace. You know what I want? I want the Valentino family to pay for all the lives they’ve taken from my people. Talk to your Don and tell him I want reparations for everything I’ve lost.”

“And what about all our men that you’ve killed?” I asked, laughing. The idea of paying the Healys anything was absurd. “You’ve been the aggressors. You’re the one perpetuating this conflict. Sam and I represent the future, and this baby could be a symbol that brings our two organizations together. Instead, all you can think about is yourself.”

“Fuck you,” Shaun said.

Colm held up a hand again, clenching his teeth together. “I made my offer,” he said. “If your Don is serious, then he’ll consider it. I want reparations, and then maybe I will stay in West Philly.” He dropped his hand and leaned toward me, and I could smell the beer on his breath. “But listen to me now, boy. You will never be anything more than a Valentino pig. I don’t give a damn if you marry my niece. I don’t care if you’re the father of her child. You will always be garbage in my eyes.”

Shaun laughed and I only met Colm’s gaze as steadily as I could. Slowly Colm got to his feet and tossed some cash onto the bar.

“I’ll tell the Don what we talked about,” I said, watching him carefully for any sudden movements. “But I’m promising you right now, he won’t go for it.”

“Then this is finished.” Colm began to walk away, but Sam suddenly stood up in his path and stared at him, her eyes wide.

I went to reach for her, but she shrugged me away. She glared at her uncle, the muscles in her arms straining like she wanted to punch him in the face and was being held back by some invisible force. Colm didn’t move and looked surprised as he tilted his head to one side. Shaun stood behind him, hands balled into fists as if he might hit the girl.

“For years you’ve been talking about the Valentino family like they refused to consider ending the war,” Sam said quietly. “You acted like they were the monsters and you were the one begging for peace. But that’s always been a lie, hasn’t it?”

“You spend a few days in their mansion and suddenly you love them.” He laughed once, ugly and bitter. “That’s right, I know where you’ve been staying. You can’t hide from me, girl. Your father wants you back, and I’ll help him bring you home.”

“I’ll never come back to you,” Sam said. “You’re a liar and a bastard. If you loved the family at all, you’d take the Don up on his offer. Stay in West Philly, run your business, and save some lives. It’s more than you deserve.”