“Yeah. We don’t know what you’re talking about.” I’m surprised to hear the snipped voice of Marsha joining the ranks of our supporters and see her flanked by Gail and Sarah at the side of the stage. She nods at me and I nod back.

“But- but,” De Haverland stutters, lost for words.

“What’s going on here?” I hear Hugo’s voice from behind me, and smile as he comes to stand beside me. Royston is with him and moves to stand beside Jess.

“This man seems to be feeling a bit under the weather. I’m afraid he’s rather distressing some of our passengers,” Natalie pipes up, smirking.

“This woman has been pretending to be Robin Carmichael! She was not a passenger on this ship!” De Haverland makes one last attempt to get someone to agree with him, to no avail.

“No offense sir but I’m pretty sure we’d recognize our childhood best friend and his baby sister. Or are you suggesting that Ashley has been wearing some kind of disguise all this time?” Royston cracks his knuckles as he speaks, and Hugo straightens his cufflinks idly.

“Perhaps you should go to the medical room Mr. De Haverland. Or otherwise we’d be very happy to set you up in the brig while you calm down,” Hugo suggests.

I squeeze Jess’ hand tightly, and she kisses me lightly on the cheek. I’m beaming happily. Not only have I dealt with one of our main competitors, but I haven’t caused another scandal for poor Robin to clear up.

I’d consider this to be a success.



I feel taken aback and have to grip the bar to steady myself for a second. I’m overwhelmed by the sheer amount of support the crew and all the other passengers are showing us, and tears prick at my eyes. But now’s not the time to get emotional.

De Haverland stutters in anger, and the Wilmingdale twins step forwards.

“Well, Mr. De Haverland? Are we going to have to take you to a medic? Or to the brig?” Hugo speaks, smiling in a ridiculously charming way considering his words.

De Haverland opens his mouth to argue again, but Royston waves a hand lightly and a couple of security guards step forwards. De Haverland swallows, thinks better of arguing and storms out of the dining hall in a fit of rage.

Ashley squeals excitedly and turns to me. Before I can do anything, she grabs my waist and swings me around and around in giddy delight. I shriek and cling to her.

I don’t pull away even as she slows us down. I pull her towards me and kiss her deeply. I’m trying to show her just how much she means to me, and how strongly I feel about her.

Luckily, I think she understands my unspoken sentiments because she pulls me even closer. I swoon as she presses her hands lightly against my cheek and back and deepens our kiss.

I’m breathless as we break apart, and blush furiously as I realize that the other passengers are cheering and clapping. Even Marsha, Gail and Sarah don’t look as frosty and haughty as they usually do. I bury my face in Ashley’s shoulder trying to hide my embarrassment at having lost control like that.

“Well then! I think we’d better celebrate,” Sandy announces through the microphone, to raucous cheers and approval around the room.

Someone starts up the music again and the impromptu party starts. Everyone is getting into the swing of it and as I gaze around the room, I realize that the room must be packed with most, if not all, of the people on the ship! I still can’t quite believe what has happened, or that any of this is real.

“Hey you,” Ashley whispers, nudging me lightly and wrapping her arms around my waist.

I nestle into her and sigh comfortably, closing my eyes. “Hey yourself. This has been a bit of a ride, huh?”

“Eh, I wouldn’t change any of it. I’ve proven myself to my brother and gotten rid of our biggest competitor. Not to mention I met you and Alex.”

I grin softly. “Oh yeah? I’m glad we make it up there along with stopping corporate espionage.

“Corporate espionage!” We turn as Alex’s high little voice cuts through the crowd. Natalie is holding his hand and trying to stop him from jumping at us.

I smile gratefully at her but untangle myself from Ashley’s arms to scoop Alex into my own.

“And you did a great job! Look at you, with your big fancy words.”

Alex nods seriously and reaches out for Ashley. She joins in our hug, wrapping her long arm around both of us.

“Yeah my man, I’m proud of you!” Ashley says, giving Alex a high five.