Reality comes back with a screaming crash. For a few minutes it was like being underwater, the rest of the world in slow motion while I sat in a still center, out of touch with the harsh details that stalk me through every second of my life.

“Champagne?” the woman who introduced herself as Ashley is in front of me, holding up the glass. I’m pretty sure she’s asked me a couple of times while I’ve been standing here outside the ozone. I try to smile and I’m still not getting a grip. The opulence of the room just keeps hitting me from every angle.

Ashley smiles, somewhat indulgently. I can’t be sure but… I think she’s checking me out. That just makes my hear

t pound and it does nothing for my mental state. When she catches my eye, her own glinting with amusement, I’m sure she’s indulging me. Like I’m a new pet she wants to spoil.

I should be offended. Shouldn’t I? Fuck. I don’t know. I don’t care. Ashley wiggles the glass again and I finally take it, putting a way a big gulp.

Oh shit. That’s the most expensive champagne I’ve ever had in my life. I threw it down like it was water and now it’s hitting me right in the back of the brain.

Ashley takes my arm, just gently. I had sat down before, to tell her my story. I’m not even sure how I ended up standing in the massive space between the bedroom and the lounge room… How many rooms do you need? Its bigger than any apartment I’ve ever lived in.

I let Ashley guide me over to a loveseat not quite in the bedroom. I don’t want to think about what might happen if we go inside there. I’m disorientated as hell all of a sudden. I feel like no time has passed since I was locked in that closet. Ashley absorbed my story with care in her eyes and a sympathetic face, now I feel like She didn’t really listen.

Like she wants something.

She grins as I take another sip of champagne.

“Do you like it? Its Dom Perignon.”

“Oh, yeah. Its nice.”

“I don’t want you to worry about a thing, okay? I’ll take care of everything.”

I nod slowly, still wondering how I keep losing time in her presence. She’s completely overpowering, and I don’t just like it… I fucking love it.

She grins and tosses that huge mess of dark hair and in the angled sunlight it glints with red, gold and black. Her blue eyes are warm like a tropical lagoon. Even though she’s grinning at me she’s also appraising me, and I wish I could think clearly. Instead I take another dose of bubbly and that doesn’t help me think at all.

“Here’s the thing.” Ashley sighs. “I’ll help you, no matter what, okay? But I need a favor. I’m hoping you might be the one to help me out. Especially since I’m doing a good deed for you… Not that I want you to think you have to pay me back… Oh, fuck it.” She sighs again and takes a sip of champagne.

“Thing is, Jess. I need a fiancé.”

“Excuse me?” My voice comes out a bit too loud. I think she just proposed to me. I can’t be sure because the champagne is making my head ring.

Ashley grins again and I realize, I’m already addicted to that grin. I love how it curves on her lips. Its all kinds of mischief and a pure, sweet joy.

She’s genuine. She doesn’t hide herself from anyone. I feel a great pull in my chest as I look at her.

“Yes.” I whisper.

Ashely looks up at me with wide, dark eyes. The grin goes down a notch and something passes between us.

“I haven’t explained yet.”

I shake my head a little. “Of course, yeah. Tell me?”

“Okay.” She laughs a little. “Here’s the thing. I’m kind of a stowaway. I’m not meant to be here. My brother is. There’s this whole setup where I’ve got to propose, because I’m supposed to be here with my girlfriend.”

She pauses and I nod encouragingly, taking another sip.

“So… Do you think you could pretend to be my girlfriend for two weeks? Do a whole proposal at sea deal? I’ll pay you, of course, and get you out of your jam.”

I can’t process for a second. Questions team in my mind. What will this deal entail? Holding hands? Kissing? Sleeping together? Oh god. Imagine sleeping next to this gorgeous creature and not being able to touch her!

“No sex of course.” She speaks softly and her grin dies down. “I’m not expecting you to be my whore or anything. I’d never insult you by even suggesting I’d pay you for sex.”

I try to hide my disappointment. I’ve been used by people a hell of a lot in my life. Ashley looks like she might at least use me gently. She’s also going to compensate me, which is more than anyone else has bothered to do.