“Have you decided to play it smart then? You’ll give me what I want and then I can make all of your problems go away.”

Even though he’s making every attempt to look sincere and helpful, I know he’s lying. He’ll get what he needs then turn on us. It makes my stomach turn.

“Where’s your little friend?” He peeks over my shoulder theatrically.

“I’m coming to you on my own. We discussed it at length and she’s undecided. I thought I better come to you and make my own deal.”

“Interesting.” His eyes are wide, and his grin is utterly sickening. Clearly the only joy he gets from life is screwing people over.

“So, what are you proposing, my dear?” He takes a sip of his drink.

“She’s not going to go for the plans. But I will. I need the deal, De Haverland. I can’t take the rap for being a stowaway.”

He practically giggles in delight.

“Maybe you should have thought about that before you snuck onto one of the most expensive liners ever to grace the sea. Tell me, little girl, if your friend can’t get the plans, what makes you think you can do it?”

I wave my hand. “Don’t worry about that. I’m resourceful and I can le

an on her yet. I just need your assurance that these charges are going to go away.”

“Oh, I can give you reassurance.” He drains the last of his drink, the ice clinking in the bottom of the glass. “I’ll make any promise you like.”

I narrow my eyes at him, mouth turning into a hard line.

“I don’t want your good word De Haverland. I know what its worth. No. I need a hard copy. Something in writing.”

The silence stretches between us. He stares at me and I don’t back down looking straight into his eyes and not changing my expression.

“You’re serious.” He says finally. I nod.

“As a heart attack. You give me that letter stating that I’m clear and you won’t pursue this, and I’ll get your plans.”

He laughs in my face and it makes me smile. He’s stalling. He just doesn’t want to write the damn letter. I need to dangle his desire in front of him, so it overpowers his judgement.

I get up slowly, turning away.

“Well, if you don’t want the plans, then fine. If you choose to back out now, you’ll get nothing except the satisfaction of imprisoning us, and I don’t think that’s what you want most.”

His face contorts and I know, he wants both.

“I’m not convinced you can deliver.” He hisses at me. “Tell me why I shouldn’t throw you in the brig right now.”

There had been some strange noises from the stage before now, but all of a sudden, a great, out of tune caterwaul erupts. The pitch is so bad a feedback whine rings through the room and several people clap their hands to their ears. De Haverland doesn’t bother to look, but I turn around slowly, taking my focus from him.

I can’t hide my grin.

Ashley and Natalie are up on the stage, falling over each other and giggling. The stage isn’t typically used for karaoke, but the girls do an excellent job of pretending to have taken it over with booze induced intent.

They only have one mic which they fight over. I can’t help thinking what a great job they are doing when Ashley lunges for the mic, misses and tumbles to the ground. I have to put a hand over my mouth.

De Haverland turns around on his stool to see Ashley hauling herself up by grabbing at Natalie and the mic. They stop to have a short exchange of angry words, both of them slurring. When Ashley finally gets up, they sling their arms around each other and start singing again, completely out of tune with the music half a beat ahead.

“What the…” De Haverland looks mystified as well as astonished. He looks at me like I might have the answers and I keep my face blank, shrugging.

“You see, Mr. De Haverland? She’s easy enough to manipulate. Her only commitment is to short term satisfaction. Believe me, I know. She doesn’t take anything seriously. I have full confidence I can deliver on my own, but if I do need her, I can secure her cooperation with coercion if not threats.”

His eyes dart between Ashley and me. His eyes are gleaming, and I can see a smile starting on his lips.