Though I’m seething with rage he doesn’t seem the least bit affected. “You Charmichaels. Always thinking that you can buy whatever you want. Greedy, don’t you think?”

I have no time for his games. That old bastard has had it out for our family ever since Grandfather Carmichael expertly negotiated away several contracts from De Haverland’s grandfather. “I know I can, you’ve been obsessed with avenging your grandfather for years…now what’s your price?”

De Haverland chuckles, shrugging his thin shoulders. “Your grandfather was a thief, he stole those contracts unethically. I simply want you to live up to your dirty reputation and do the same for me.”

“Don’t do it Ashley.” Jess pipes up, her delicate hand finding my shoulder. Her green eyes are wide as she begs me to back down.

“Don’t you think you’ve spoken enough tonight?” He says, pointing a bony finger in Jess’ direction.

I gently remove her fingers from my arm and urge her to back up as my rage builds. “What did you do to her Francis, threaten her?” My narrowed eyes don’t leave his for a single second.

Again he laughs, and the sound makes me want to wrap my fists around his throat each time it moves. “I didn’t have to harm a hair on her head, you friend Jess and her big mouth revealed everything willingly.”

I know it’s a lie, or I think I do. I don’t know what to think. My vision is becoming blurry and my feet feel like they could fall out from under me at any second.

De Haverland takes advantage of my silence. “That’s right, tell your little girlfriend what you’ve done.” He says to Jess, and she begins to cry softly.

“I didn’t mean to, I really didn’t.”

Her words catch me off guard, and all I can see is the color red as I whip around and stare her down with fury in my eyes. “What did you DO?”

She cowers from me, regret streaming down her cheeks in the form of salty tears. “I was talking to Natalie I thought we were alone! He came out of the shadows after Natalie left, I’m sorry!”

“I’ll deal with you later.” I tell her, and I can’t bring myself to look at her face any longer. Instead, I turn to Francis and grovel, asking again for him to just name his price for silence.

What kind of sick man gets off watching one woman cry and another beg? He seems to be enjoying our heightened emotions, and finally reveals what it is he wants so badly. “Steal me the plans for the Carmichael flagship Hotel in Taiwan by the end of the day.”

“No deal.” My brother and the rest of my family would be absolutely ruined. I can’t let him get his grubby hands on those plans.

“Alright,” he seems to reason. “No deal, but this means that your little playmate here will be locked in the brig, and

that the Carmichael family name will be dragged through every newspaper in town for fraud charges.”

“I can’t.” I can’t even finish my sentence, I don’t know whether I’m referencing the Hotel plans or letting my family’s name burn. Everything is a blur.

De Haverland doesn’t care either way. “Have those plans slipped under my cabin door by the end of the day, or life as you know it will turn into a living Hell.” He saunters away with those words, and as soon as he’s out of sight, I collapse to my knees.

I honestly don’t know how I stayed standing that long. My world has turned upside down. One moment I was planning a proposal and the next, I’m on the ground imagining my family behind bars.

“Ashley?” Jess prods, her raspy voice still a whisper. “Please say something.”

I don’t respond, opting instead to remain on the floor and contemplate my horrible life choices. I feel completely numb. How could this have happened to me?

“At least stand up and come to my room where we can talk.” When Jess reaches for my hand to pull me up, her eyes red and puffy from crying, I realize exactly how this mess occurred.

It was Jess. It was always Jess, the naïve and irresponsible girl with a mouth too big for her own good. Without her, I wouldn’t be in this predicament.

“He gave you his ultimatum, it’s all going to be okay, just give him the plans.” She continues, not knowing that those words were the worst thing she could have possibly said.

In a renewed fit of anger, I slap her hand away forcefully. “No!” I scream, leaping to my feet.

She looks around in a panic, most likely glad that no one is around to hear my outburst or see her tears. “Look, I’m so sorry that this all happened. But it’s either those plans or jail for all of us.”

I raise my voice yet again, entirely blinded by my emotions. “How could you be so stupid? You’re a real smart one aren’t you, do you think you did the right thing by telling Natalie everything and ruining my life in the process?”

Jess shrinks back, visibly offended. “I didn’t mean to ruin anyone’s life, I felt so safe with Natalie it just all came out!” She tries to defend herself but I don’t care.

“You DESTROYED my family! Get out of my face, I don’t want to see you right now. If I hurry I can catch De Haverland and change his mind.”