I’ll admit that in the beginning, I had half of a plan to try to seduce her anyway, but now that I know her, I just can’t do that. She’s my friend. I have to respect her wishes.

Jess moves slightly closer to me. It’s a small miracle.

I look at her and she looks at me. Everything that we need to communicate wordlessly is said through that gaze.

I want her so bad. And I thinks she wants me too.

She reaches a hand up and cups my cheek. Her skin feels hot and electric against mine. I lean in to the palm of her hand.

Jess leans in and gives me a kiss. I kiss her back.

In the suite, there’s no one to perform for. Our kisses elsewhere on the ship were at least partially for the benefit of others. Though I have to admit that I stole them whenever I could.

She pulls me closer to her and deepens the kiss. We’ve never kissed like this in front of anyone else.

I think Jess’s rule about not having sex has gone out of the window. I make a quick mental note to thank Sandy for allowing this to happen. If Alex was still here, we definitely couldn’t be doing this.

I wrap my arms around her and press her body against mine. The whole world fades away. I forget about the engagement and my brother. I even forget we’re on a ship.

Right now, my mind is focused only on how much I want her.

She pulls me back into bed with her so we’re both laying down. I pull away for a moment.

“Are you sure?” I ask. I pray that the answer is yes.

She smirks. “I’m sure.”

My prayers have been answered. I lean in to kiss her again and get ready to do all the things I’ve been yearning to do to her body.



I can’t help myself. I just can’t.

I don’t know what the fuck I’m doing. This is all just a show. I’m supposed to be fixing my life, not creating a bunch of new problems for myself.

But she’s gorgeous.

All my first impressions of her were correct. She’s bold and overpowering but she’s also sweet and caring. I think she’d care even more about people if they hadn’t let her down in the past. Even though I feel a turbulent, insistent lust, I also feel a deep sense of connection with her.

As if I’m the one that’s going to help her see what love can do. As if I can bring her out from behind that mask. I know, its ridiculous. Nothing could change her—or me for that matter.

I’m digging myself into a hole I can’t get out of. I know that. But I can’t stop.

We roll back and forth on the bed, pulling at each others’ clothes and kissing. I can’t tell where I end, and she begins. There is just shadows in the dim light and sensation. Incredible, deep, carnal throbbing that’s pressing against me and begging for release.

Ashley sits up above me, looking down on me. Our clothes have been flung away piece by piece and I didn’t feel naked until this moment.

She looks down on me like a hawk to a dove. Her blue eyes are wide and focused, her breath coming hard as her tongue creeps to the edge of her mouth.

I can feel her eyes sliding over me and my skin comes alive, goosebumps flaring everywhere her gaze touches. I writhe under her, a mess of lust just from her attention.

She touches me gently with her fingertips, running them across my collar bones. The sensation is incredible, a combination of the skin stretched thinly over the bones and my own excitement. She draws her hands down my body, letting her fingers learn my shape and taste my skin. I start to writhe under her, feeling the electricity of her hands as she brushed my nipples and belly.

She strokes the soft spot between my breasts and runs her hand down my belly. She leans forward as her hand moves lower, getting close to my pussy. I’m trembling now, my pussy wet and shuddering as I wait for her caress.

When her tongue touches my clit, I let out a yell they must have heard back at the last port. I try to squirm, but she quickly wraps her arms around my legs and clamps me to her.