She seems taken aback that I would even suggest something, and at first I can’t tell if she’s impressed, nervous, in disbelief, thankful, or all of the above.

“You’d really do that for us?”

Her voice is quiet and full of both apprehension and curiosity, and there’s a hit of a smile that plays on her lips, the corner upturned in a would be smirk had she not been so terrified only moments ago. I realize after a few seconds that instead of answering her question I’m still staring at her lips and I blush with a smirk, nodding as I clear my throat.

“Sure. Though, my offer still stands. The whole, fake fiancé thing.”

I laugh nervously and give her a sheepish smile, knowing that I’m testing my luck, but I also know that this is my best chance at making things work and keeping both of us out of trouble.

Her little guy sees intrigued and smiles up at her, tugging at her shirt and giggling as he tells her that he wants to stay on the boat. He’d an adorable kid and as it turns out, also very convincing. It doesn’t take more than a moment of him talking to her for him to convince her to go along with Ashley, and eventually she smiles at me with a nervous chuckle.

“Oh, what the hell. Alright then, I guess I’m Emily for the next week or so.”

I can’t help the ear to ear grin that forms on my face as I nod and let out a laugh of my mown, excitedly sighing and sitting back down with a chuckle. I’m a mixture of relived, excited, nervous and anxious, all of the feelings swirling and spiraling together in a pit in my stomach. I can’t decide if it’s a good thing or not yet, but the way I look at it; this plan is better than no plan at all. And if I’m going to be faking my proposal and being in love, then why not have it be to a woman as beautiful as herm right?

“That’s great!”

I sit back down and glace at the menu that’s set down on the table, and then I nod towards the chairs and look up at Jess.

“Why don’t you guys sit down and get comfortable; I’ll order some food to be delivered here and then you and I can work out the rules.”

She turns to me with a quizzical glance, brow cocked as she narrows her eyes.

“Rules? What do you mean?”

“Well… Just some things that we lay out so that we make sure that our stories are the same and that we’re both comfortable. Sure this may be an awkward situation, but I’m not about to do something that makes you uncomfortable. I want this to be enjoyable,” I add with a chuckle. “As odd of a situation as it is.”

My stomach growls unceremoniously and I laugh, shrugging my shoulders as I nod towards the menu, my finger pointing toward the paper.

“We can deal with the specifics, but first let’s get something to eat. Then we can spend the rest of the day relaxing and lounging, and making sure that this is fun for both of us.”

She agrees and after a moment or two of discussion with Alex, we agree on the staple food of negotiations and comfort.




This is all moving so fast - it was only an hour ago now that I was planning how I was going to try to make something fun for dinner out of the packet of frozen turkey shapes we still have in the freezer! And now I’m in this gorgeous suite, seriously is that walnut panelling, across from a multi millionaire seriously considering being her girlfriend for two weeks!

I don’t think my pulse has returned to normal since the purser bumped into us outside of the door. He looks nice but all I could see in my mind’s eye was myself in prison and Alex in the foster system! I’ve done a few rounds of foster families and I don’t want that for my nephew.

Without Ashley’s help I have no doubt that I would be well on my way to losing this amazing little kid and getting a criminal record. But instead I’m sitting on the softest cushions I’ve ever touched and I’m listening to Ashley Carmichael ordering me lunch. Pizza, of all things.

As though my day couldn’t get any more surreal.

Alex wriggles next to me. He’s trying to be good but he doesn’t like sitting still this long without anything to do. What little kid would? I kiss his curls soothingly and hope he doesn’t have a melt down. We definitely don’t need that right now.

“Hey little dude,” Ashley says, hanging up the phone and coming over to crouch in front of where he’s sitting next to me. “I bet you’re pretty excited to be on this big boat, right?”

Alex nods, all big eyes. That kid can look as though butter wouldn’t melt in his mouth and despite how rambunctious he is it’s mostly true. He’s got a really good heart.

“Yeah, it’s pretty cool.” Ashley reaches in her pocket and pulls out a slender phone that probably costs a year’s salary for me and unlocks it. “Look, your aunt and I have to talk about boring adult stuff for a bit. I hate listening to boring adult stuff so I bet you do too, right?”

He nods again. Wow, she’s pretty good at this.

“I know, buddy. I know.” She hands him her phone. “Here, have a play on this app - it’s pretty fun. If you get bored I’ve got about 20 others installed so just have a poke around.”